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The Sentinel Node in Surgical Oncology
The Sentinel Node in Surgical Oncology
In this volume an account is given of the technologies relevant to the detection of sentinel lymph nodes in the context of surgical oncology. This is a rapidly and evolving field, and the clinical applications discussed in this volume are exciting and important. A multidisciplinary team was assembled to discuss this subject in the light of direct experience gained by each of the groups in the previous 12 months. Clinical case material is presented and the methodology of sentinel lymph node imaging and detection is discussed in detail. The authors have assembled in a single volume a significant amount of personal data and a comprehensive literature review which will serve as a single reference and teaching source for all those interested in this critical technique relevant to the management of large numbers of patients in surgical oncology.
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Developing Difference
Developing Difference
Why do we develop differently? Where does our individuality come from? What do we inherit from our genes, and how does that engage with our environment in influencing our behaviour? Developing Difference is the first book of its kind to draw developmental and individual differences psychology together to investigate these fascinating questions. Key features: - Draws on neuroscience and psychology to integrate the evolutionary, genetic, social and behavioural aspects of how we become who we are - Integrates the very latest genetic research - Considers the unanswered questions that still face differential and developmental psychologists Developing Difference is essential reading for students studying developmental psychology and individual differences.
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Eye on Europe
Eye on Europe
An intriguing and vibrant study of an innovative and lesser-known facet of contemporart art. Identifies significant strategies exploited by European artists to extend their aesthetic vision within the mediums of prints, books and multiples. Exploring commercial techniques, confrontational approaches and language and the expressionist impulse. Showcases the creativity being channelled into printed art by todays generation.
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Medical Humanities, Sociology and the Suffering Self
Medical Humanities, Sociology and the Suffering Self
Following criticisms of the traditionally polarized view of understanding suffering through either medicine or social justice, Lowe makes a compelling argument for how the medical humanities can help to go beyond the traditional biographical and epistemic breaks to see into the nature and properties of suffering and what is at stake. Lowe demonstrates through analysis of major healthcare workforce issues and incidence of burnout how key policies and practices influence healthcare education and experiences of both patients and health professionals. By including first person narratives from health professionals as a tool and resource, she illustrates how dominant ideas about the self enter practice as a refusal of suffering. Demonstrating the relationship between personal experience, theory and research, Lowe argues for a pedagogy of suffering that shows how the moral anguish implicit in suffering is an ethical response of the emergent self. This is an important read for all those interested in medical humanities, health professional education, person-centred care and the sociology of health and illness.
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Integrating Technology in Nursing Education
Integrating Technology in Nursing Education
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition. Designed for nursing educators and students interested in the field of nursing education, Integrating Technology in Nursing Education: Tools for the Knowledge Era provides valuable, easy-to-use strategies on incorporating technology into the classroom. The text examines the increased role of technology in healthcare and its transformational impact on that field, allowing nurses to understand current and future trends and thus, integrate technology into nursing education in order to effectively prepare students for a new, technologically-driven healthcare environment. Also featured are topics on learning theories, the instructional design process, changes in higher education, and variations in learning environments. Using case studies, critical-thinking exercises, weblinks, and more, the text challenges nurses to think critically and formulate compelling teaching st
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Recipes for Thought
Recipes for Thought
Situated at the vital intersection of physiology, gastronomy, decorum, knowledge-production, and labor, recipes from the past allow us to understand the significant ways that kitchen work was an intellectual and creative enterprise.
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Essentials of Sociology
Essentials of Sociology
Essentials of Sociology, adapted from George Ritzer’s Introduction to Sociology, provides the same rock-solid foundation from one of sociology's best-known thinkers in a shorter and more streamlined format. With new co-author Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy, the Third Edition continues to illuminate traditional sociological concepts and theories and focuses on some of the most compelling features of contemporary social life: globalization, consumer culture, the internet, and the “McDonaldization” of society. New to this Edition New “Trending” boxes focus on influential books by sociologists that have become part of the public conversation about important issues. Replacing “Public Sociology” boxes, this feature demonstrates the diversity of sociology's practitioners, methods, and subject matter, featuring such authors as o Michelle Alexander (The New Jim Crow) o Elizabeth Armstrong and Laura Hamilton (Paying for the Party) o Matthew Desmond (Evicted) o Arlie Hochschild (Strangers in Their Own Land) o Eric Klinenberg (Going Solo) o C.J. Pascoe (Dude, You're a Fag) o Lori Peek and Alice Fothergill (Children of Katrina) o Allison Pugh (The Tumbleweed Society) Updated examples in the text and "Digital Living" boxes keep pace with changes in digital technology and online practices, including Uber, Bitcoin, net neutrality, digital privacy, WikiLeaks, and cyberactivism. New or updated subjects apply sociological thinking to the latest issues including: the 2016 U.S. election Brexit the global growth of ISIS climate change further segmentation of wealthy Americans as the "super rich" transgender people in the U.S. armed forces charter schools the legalization of marijuana the Flint water crisis fourth-wave feminism
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PR and Communication in Local Government and Public Services
PR and Communication in Local Government and Public Services
In the UK's current climate of budget cuts and policy changes, local government officials need to be aware of best practice in both broadcasting their services and responding to crises in their communities. Meanwhile, changes in the media - from the rise of social media, to web access for older consumers - present new challenges for local councils about how to best convey their key messages and protect their 'brand'. Full of expert advice, tools and case studies from a variety of sources, PR and Communication in Local Government and Public Services is a practical reference guide to delivering professional public relations for both communications and the delivery of local services. It offers a detailed analysis of the issues that are unique to this challenging and fast-moving environment, whilst reinforcing the importance of effective and meaningful communication to both local democracy and the planning and delivery of quality services. PR and Communication in Local Government and Public Services is also supported by a range of online resources, including case studies, appendices, and a bonus chapter on local authority publicity. About the PR in Practice series: Published in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the PR in Practice series comprises accessible, practical introductions to day-to-day issues of public relations practice and management. The series' action-oriented approach keeps knowledge and skills up to date.
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Pop Impressions Europe/USA
Pop Impressions Europe/USA
Essay by Wendy Weitman.
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Women In 17th Century France
Women In 17th Century France
This book aims to trace the life of the seventeenth-century Frenchwoman from cradle to the grave through mainly contemporary primary sources which include just about everything from collections of laws to traveller's tales. Rather than reworking and refuting the twentieth-century experts in the field, the author works directly through from birth and childhood through matrimony, women at work, and in political life, manners and religion to conclusive death.
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