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Assessing Macro-Financial Risks of Household Debt in China
Assessing Macro-Financial Risks of Household Debt in China
High household indebtedness could constrain future consumption growth and increase financial stability risks. This paper uses household survey data to analyze both macroeconomic and finanical stability risks from the rapidly rising household debt in China. We find that rising household indebtedness could boost consumption in the short term, while reducing it in the medium-to-long term. By stress testing households’ debt repayment capacity, we find that low-income households are most vulnerable to adverse income shocks which could lead to signficant defaults. Containing these risks would call for a strengthening of systemic risk assessment and macroprudential policies of the household sector. Other policies include improving the credit registry system and establishing a well-functioning personal insolvency framework.
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The Business and Investment Environment in Taiwan and Mainland China
The Business and Investment Environment in Taiwan and Mainland China
Focusing on the IT & high-tech industries, this book offers an analysis of foreign SMEs in Taiwan & China, presenting indices of knowledge capital, innovative ability, the utilisation of information technology & social infrastructure that can be used to evaluate cross-strait competitive advantage.
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Rechargeable Organic Batteries
Rechargeable Organic Batteries
A must-have reference on sustainable organic energy storage systems Organic electrode materials have the potential to overcome the intrinsic limitations of transition metal oxides as cathodes in rechargeable batteries. As promising alternatives to metal-based batteries, organic batteries are renewable, low-cost, and would enable a greener rechargeable world. Rechargeable Organic Batteries is an up-to-date reference and guide to the next generation of sustainable organic electrodes. Focused exclusively on organic electrode materials for rechargeable batteries, this unique volume provides comprehensive coverage of the structures, advantages, properties, reaction mechanisms, and performance of various types of organic cathodes. In-depth chapters examine carbonyl-, organosulfur-, radical-, and organometallic complexes, as well as polymer-based active materials for electrochemical energy storage (EES) technologies. Throughout the book, possible application cases and potential challenges are discussed in detail. Presents advanced characterization methods for verifying redox mechanisms of organic materials Examines recent advances in carbonyl-based small-molecule cathode materials in battery systems including lithium-ion, sodium-ion, and aqueous zinc-ion batteries Introduces organosulfide-inorganic composite cathodes with high electrical conductivity and fast reaction kinetics Outlines research progress on radical electrode materials, polymer-based organic cathode materials, and the development of all-organic batteries Summarizes the synthesis processes, redox mechanisms, and electrochemical performance of different kinds of organic anode materials for metal-ion batteries Featuring a general introduction to organic batteries, including a discussion of their necessity and advantages, Rechargeable Organic Batteries is essential reading for electrochemists, materials scientists, organic chemists, physical chemists, and solid-state chemists working in the field.
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Contemporary Accounting Issues in China
Contemporary Accounting Issues in China
Since the economic reform in China in the late 1970s, considerable changes have been made in the field of accounting and related areas. There are indications that the pace of changes has quickened in the last couple of years. However, no detailed analytical account has been made so far on particular issues and the problems involved. This book gives an indepth analysis of the major issues arising in the area of accounting in China with particular emphasis on financial reporting and managerial evaluation.
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Advanced Design of Pile Foundations Under Lateral Loading
Advanced Design of Pile Foundations Under Lateral Loading
This book presents models that capture the nonlinear response of piles subjected to lateral forces. Utilising a consistent approach encompassing new mathematical models, it offers solutions presented as closed-form expressions and underpinned by the same set of 3-5 measurable soil-input parameters. These focus on nonlinear response of mono piles, anchored piles, pile groups, and torsional piles, as well as passive piles subjected to soil movement induced in shearing, sliding slopes or excavation, and earthquake shaking. The models can also be used for pipelines and similar beam structures. Solutions are provided in the form of design charts, with each parameter obtained using available test data and illustrated with real-world cases. The models reveal, for the first time, the mysterious mechanisms of amplification resulting from back-rotation, which have incurred the collapse of structures such as the Showa Bridge and Nicoll Highway, as well as the distortion of piles during earthquakes. Advanced Design of Pile Foundations Under Lateral Loading is ideal for practicing foundation engineers and students at graduate level. Wei Dong Guo is co-founder of Hans Innovation Group and former Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer and is a Fellow of Engineers Australia by whom he was awarded the 2012 Warren Medal.
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The Power of Time
The Power of Time
Time is a scarce resource that is often overlooked in business and personal life. Despite its limited availability, time can be effectively managed through careful planning and prioritization. By understanding the importance of time management, individuals and especially organizations can improve their productivity, efficiency, and overall success. Based on the author's direct experience of creating and building what is now a 20,000-employee company, this book examines the crucial role time management plays for companies to achieve their goals and maintain competitiveness and customer satisfaction. It's through effective time management that companies gain better team coordination, leading to improved productivity and project completion. Additionally, time management can enable companies to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that they are used to their full potential. Full of insightful cases and examples, this book demonstrates how time is a major factor in organizational performance and how it can be managed for greater success. ,
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Compact Modeling of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions and Design of Hybrid CMOS-magnetic Integrated Circuits
Le but de cette thèse était d'évaluer les performances de circuits logiques combinant des composants CMOS classiques et des composants magnétiques. Les jonctions tunnel magnétiques sont bien connues comme éléments de base des mémoires magnétiques. Mais l'utilisation de ces composants non-volatiles peut également permettre de repousser certaines limites de la microélectronique actuelle, notamment en contribuant à diminuer la consommation, les problèmes de dissipation thermique, en améliorant la fiabilité des circuits et en apportant de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Cette thèse a consisté en deux principaux aspects. Tout d'abord, un modèle électrique équivalent de la jonction tunnel magnétique a été développé afin de pouvoir les utiliser dans les outils standards de la microélectronique. Ensuite, ces modèles ont été utilisés pour concevoir et évaluer différents circuits hybrides CMOS/magnétiques, reprogrammables ou de type ASICs, qui ont été implémentés dans des démonstrateurs.
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Dynamical Systems
Complex systems are pervasive in many areas of science integrated in our daily lives. Examples include financial markets, highway transportation networks, telecommunication networks, world and country economies, social networks, immunological systems, living organisms, computational systems and electrical and mechanical structures. Complex systems are often composed of a large number of interconnected and interacting entities, exhibiting much richer global scale dynamics than the properties and behavior of individual entities. Complex systems are studied in many areas of natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and mathematical sciences. This special issue therefore intends to contribute towards the dissemination of the multifaceted concepts in accepted use by the scientific community. We hope readers enjoy this pertinent selection of papers which represents relevant examples of the state of the art in present day research. ....
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