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Mobilisation with Movement - E-Book
Mobilisation with Movement - E-Book
Please note that this eBook does not include the DVD accompaniment. If you would like to have access to the DVD content, please purchase the print copy of this title. An authoritative text presenting the growing evidence base for Mobilisation with Movement techniquesDeveloped over the past 26 years, Mobilisation with Movement (MWM) remains a relatively new form of manual therapy. It is, however, becoming one of the most popular approaches for the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Mobilisation with Movement: The art and the science introduces the concept of Mobilisation with Movement, describes basic Mobilisation with Movement techniques and outlines its principles of application. The book summarises the emergent evidence base underpinning Mobilisation with Movement techniques, including randomised controlled trials, and shows how far the technique has progressed since first introduced by New Zealand physiotherapist Brian Mulligan in 1984. This easy-to-use manual therapy textbook is an excellent reference for the clinician, teacher, student and researcher and is intended to provide a nexus between the technique's seemingly successful clinical approach and its science base. A series of case studies brings the practical art of Mobilisation with Movement to life, while highlighting the underlying clinical reasoning and applied evidence base. • a systematic review of the evidence for the technique's efficacy• a review of the current state of Mulligan's 'positional fault hypothesis'• a new model of the mechanisms by which Mobilisation with Movement works• demonstrates the clinical application of Mobilisation with Movement through twelve cases by leading practitioners• more advanced aspects of the clinical application are developed and critiqued, including guidelines on dosage and troubleshooting options• the accompanying DVD demonstrates techniques from the text and features Brian Mulligan
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The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy
The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy
- All techniques comprehensively revised to align with current evidence-based practice - 13 New Mulligan techniques - An eBook included in all print purchases
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International framework for examination of the cervical region for potential of cerical arterial dysfunction prior to orthopaedic manual therapy intervention
The framework is designed to provide guidance for the assessment of the cervical spine region for potential of Cervical Artery Dysfunction (CAD) in advance of planned OMT interventions. OMT interventions for the cervical spine addressed through this framework include: manipulation, mobilisation and exercise. Attention is focused to techniques occurring in end range positions of the cervical spine, during mobilisation, manipulation and exercise interventions. Within the cervical spine, events and presentations of CAD are rare, but are an important consideration as part of an OMT assessment. Arterial dissection (and other vascular) presentations are fairly recognisable if the appropriate questions are asked during the patient history, if interpretation of elicited data enables recognition of this potential, and if the physical examination can be adapted to explore any potential vasculogenic hypothesis further. The framework is therefore reflective of best practice and aims to place risk ...
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El concepto Mulligan de terapia manual (Color)
El concepto Mulligan de terapia manual (Color)
El concepto Mulligan de terapia manual. Libro de técnicas es un manual práctico y completo para terapeutas e investigadores. Presenta más de 160 técnicas del concepto Mulligan, que incluye técnicas terapéuticas, ejercicios y técnicas de vendaje neuromuscular. Las técnicas del concepto Mulligan son eficaces y seguras cuando se aplican siguiendo unas pautas sencillas y unos principios claramente identificados. Estas técnicas comprenden la movilización con movimiento (MCM), entre otras, como el fenómeno de liberación del dolor (PRP). Las técnicas MCM descritas se emplean solo cuando su aplicación no genera dolor, y -si están indicadas- cuando son inmediatamente eficaces. Todas se basan en la recolocación de las superficies articulares, o de los músculos y sus tendones, con el fin de lograr la resolución indolora de problemas musculoesqueléticos. El concepto Mulligan de terapia manual es un libro escrito por un equipo internacional de expertos, dirigidos por el catedrático Wayne Hing. Se divide en catorce capítulos dedicados a distintas zonas del cuerpo. Aborda todos los trastornos musculoesqueléticos a los que se enfrenta la práctica clínica, incluidos ciertos trastornos en apariencia no articulares, como la epicondilalgia lateral. Los primeros capítulos se centran en la MCM, el ejercicio y las técnicas de vendaje neuromuscular para el cuadrante superior, que también incluye la columna cervical a través del tórax. Estos capítulos comprenden las cefaleas y los mareos de origen cervical, la articulación temporomandibular, el complejo del hombro, el antebrazo, la muñeca y la mano. Los capítulos siguientes cubren el cuadrante inferior, como la columna lumbar, la articulación sacroilíaca, la cadera, la rodilla, el tobillo y el pie.
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Le concept Mulligan de thérapie manuelle
Le concept Mulligan de thérapie manuelle
En conformité avec le programme de DFASM et les ECNi, cet ouvrage aborde les connaissances fondamentales dans le domaine de la douleur, des soins palliatifs, du deuil et de l'éthique. Il présente dans le détail les items du programme relevant de cette thématique, avec des objectifs pédagogiques clairement définis, et comporte deux parties : • une partie Connaissances divisée en 21 chapitres consacrés chacun à un item. Chaque chapitre commence systématiquement par un rappel des objectifs nationaux puis développe la thématique. Le contenu, clair et didactique, est étayé par de nombreux tableaux et des points clés sur les notions à retenir. • une partie Entraînement qui propose 7 dossiers progressifs QRM, 9 cas cliniques corrigés et commentés, ainsi que 159 questions isolées corrigées et commentées (QCM), offrant un véritable outil d'autoévaluation. Cette 2e édition propose une remise à jour complète des contenus et des données. Elle s'est enrichie de points clés structurés.
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