Elements of Leaders of Character
Leaders spend their lifetime learning leadership; it is every leaders infinite responsibility. Leadership is such an abstract, personal, and situational combination of art and skill that a cookie-cutter recipe for anyone and everyone is an impossibility. However, becoming the kind of person the world desperately needs leading is certainly an attainable objective. Though not simple, the formula is found in Elements of Leaders of Character. Elements of Leaders of Character is a leader development book; but not just any kind of leader, the kind of leader who wants to make a positive difference. Elements is a detailed illustration of the most significant attributes, practices, and principles of leaders who highly value the quality of peoples characterespecially their own. Leaders of character are people who care about the kind of person they are because they know the impact their character has on their own lives and world. Leaders of character step up to lead because they want to make the world a better place by being a better person and leader. If you want to be a leader, or you are a leader, and you are the kind of person who genuinely values ideals like commitment, honor, morality, and respect, you will readily discover how Elements of Leaders of Character applies directly to you, your leadership, and your success in life.