Cultural Issues in Criminal Defense - Fourth Edition
Cultural Issues in Criminal Defense discusses approaches to defending cultural issues. The cultural issues are not limited to differences between people of different countries, however. Cultural issues can arise within a country and amongst its people, within a means of collecting and investigating information, and within the way the society perceives the information. All of these factors affect how criminal defense practitioners prepare their cases - from consulting with their clients, to reviewing the investigation by law enforcement, anticipating what information may need to be suppressed, minimized, or emphasized, selecting the jury, attempting to manage how the media reports the information, the direct and cross-examination of witnesses, admission of evidence, and potentially appeal and post-conviction. Special features of this new edition include chapters on: --“Interviewing Immigrant Clients and Special Immigrant Relief for Crime Victims” --“Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions” --“Digital Defense: Meeting the Challenges that the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Poses” --“A General Discussion of Some Cultural Issues from State of Florida v George Zimmerman.” This book is a helpful tool for any practitioner whether they have a criminal defendant in a case abroad, a case involving an immigrant defendant in the U.S., or a criminal case within the U.S. with a unique cultural issue.