Transport Phenomena
The market leading transport phenomena text has been revised! Authors, Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot have revised Transport Phenomena to include deeper and more extensive coverage of heat transfer, enlarged discussion of dimensional analysis, a new chapter on flow of polymers, systematic discussions of convective momentum, energy, and mass transport, and transport in two-phase systems. If this is your first look at Transport Phenomena you'll quickly learn that its balanced introduction to the subject of transport phenomena is the foundation of its long-standing success. About the Revised 2nd Edition: Since the appearance of the second edition in 2002, the authors and numerous readers have found a number of errors--some major and some minor. In the Revised 2nd Edition the authors have endeavored to correct these errors. A new ISBN has been assigned to the Revised 2nd Edition in order to more easily identify the most correct version. For Bird's corrigenda, please click here and see Transport Phenomena in the "Books" section.