Flora of the Marquesas Islands
The Flora of the Marquesas Islands is a complete account of all of the plants found in the Marquesas Islands. Of the total 826 vascular plant species recorded for the Marquesas Islands, approximately 495 are aliens introduced by humans over the years, including 248 cultivated, 33 Polynesian introductions, and 214 other naturalized species, compared to the native flora of 331 species. This is a collaborative project between the National Tropical Botanical Garden, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Délégation à la Recherche de la Polynésie française intended to further knowledge of the flora of this remote archipelago. Based on extensive fieldwork this book covers the extant floristic diversity, including 85 recently described species, and provides original illustrations, illuminating photos, and critical conservation considerations. The 411 page tome includes introductory chapters covering the project's history, Marquesas geology and climate, history of plant collecting in the islands, flora and vegetation, plant communities, threats to the flora, conservation status of species including IUCN Red List recommendations, critical conservation considerations, and many other aspects, as well as taxonomic treatments of the native and naturalized lycophytes (fern allies), ferns, and monocots. The volume is richly illustrated with 134 figures including 111 color plates, 21 elegant line drawings by Smithsonian illustrator Alice Tangerini, and two maps. A complete list of all botanical specimens studied is given in the Exsiccatae section.