Wall Against the Truth
The Muslim shrines of Sufi saints in Pakistan play an important role in the lives of believers, and this inclination toward their faith has increased over the past years. These Sufi saints have been a cause of great success in spreading Islam in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. These Sufi saintsthrough their devotion, humility, understanding of the teachings of Islam, and conducthave conquered the hearts of their devotees. These Sufi saints, through their meditation and living a simple life despite available charms of this worldly life, provided an example of purity, spirituality, submission to the Creator, and truthfulness in words and deeds. Daira Din Panah is a city in Kot Addu, Punjab, Pakistan, where there is a shrine of a Sufi saint who spent all his life spreading the teachings of Islam and connecting people to the Creator. We (including the author) are direct descendants of this Sufi saint, Din Panah Sahib. However, my grandfather, Dr. Pir Buksh Sahib, after reading books and learning the truthfulness of the imam of this age, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (peace and blessings), accepted Ahmadiyyat the true Islam. With the exception of some shrines of these saints in Pakistan, most have become a source of politics, rivalry, and money collection through donations and even have deviated from the true teachings of Islam. The very Sufi saints to whom the devotees refer never advocated such practices and led a simple life. These Sufi saints, however, brought an era of Sufism, and some even wrote poetry and left valuable literature full of spiritual enlightenment for the readers and generations to come.