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The Mathematics of Arbitrage
The Mathematics of Arbitrage
Proof of the "Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing" in its general form by Delbaen and Schachermayer was a milestone in the history of modern mathematical finance and now forms the cornerstone of this book. Puts into book format a series of major results due mostly to the authors of this book. Embeds highest-level research results into a treatment amenable to graduate students, with introductory, explanatory background. Awaited in the quantitative finance community.
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Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
In World Mathematical Year 2000 the traditional St. Flour Summer School was hosted jointly with the European Mathematical Society. Sergio Albeverio reviews the theory of Dirichlet forms, and gives applications including partial differential equations, stochastic dynamics of quantum systems, quantum fields and the geometry of loop spaces. The second text, by Walter Schachermayer, is an introduction to the basic concepts of mathematical finance, including the Bachelier and Black-Scholes models. The fundamental theorem of asset pricing is discussed in detail. Finally Michel Talagrand, gives an overview of the mean field models for spin glasses. This text is a major contribution towards the proof of certain results from physics, and includes a discussion of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick and the p-spin interaction models.
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Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics
In World Mathematical Year 2000 the traditional St. Flour Summer School was hosted jointly with the European Mathematical Society. Sergio Albeverio reviews the theory of Dirichlet forms, and gives applications including partial differential equations, stochastic dynamics of quantum systems, quantum fields and the geometry of loop spaces. The second text, by Walter Schachermayer, is an introduction to the basic concepts of mathematical finance, including the Bachelier and Black-Scholes models. The fundamental theorem of asset pricing is discussed in detail. Finally Michel Talagrand, gives an overview of the mean field models for spin glasses. This text is a major contribution towards the proof of certain results from physics, and includes a discussion of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick and the p-spin interaction models.
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Walter Nessler
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Warped Factors
Warped Factors
In "Warped Factors", original "Star Trek" star Walter Koenig (a.k.a. Ensign Pavel Chekov) provides a fascinating and often riotous chronicle of his life and career. of color photos.
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