Spiritual Energy Explained
Spiritual Energy Explained: You, Your Soul, and the Universe By: Walter E Broach, MLS, PhD Spiritual Energy Explained is about the relationship with what people call God and how we are composed of the same material as God. This material is not widely acknowledged in the western world, but it will give a whole new outlook on life. Humans are truly spiritual entities walking around Earth with a physical body. Multiple subjects are also covered such as the many dimensions in which you may exist, your soul, what it is, and your feelings of gratitude, love, and empathy. Also mentioned is winning the spiritual war, your journey through the ages, and the importance of a good attitude. Contained in this book is information on spiritual energy and the importance of cooperating with your own soul to find happiness and joy in your life. It has nothing to do with any religion, just you and your relationship with the total energy of the Universe. While the knowledge within this book may upset or stun a few with how it challenges religion’s way of understanding the world, it is crucial to help readers gain a better understanding of themselves, their beliefs, and how they can improve their lives.