Nesting Ecology of Eastern Prairie Population Canada Geese
Successful management of Canada geese (Branta canadensis) requires an understanding of the factors which govern annual variation in reproductive success. We examined variation in nesting phenology, clutch size, nest survival, partial predation, egg size, and nest density for Eastern Prairie Population (EPP) Canada geese using data collected from 3 study areas in northern Manitoba from 1976-1996. The timing of nest initiation varied among years, and this variation was largely related to local weather conditions during the month of May. Mean clutch size declined with later annual nesting phenology, suggesting that delayed nesting results in higher energetic demands and reduced endogenous reserves for EPP geese. The relation between clutch size and relative nest initiation date within years was not linear, with the largest clutches being produced near the midpoint of initiation, and this relation was likely driven by a reduced allotment of nutrient reserves to egg production by early-nes.