A God Who Hates
A Syrian-born female psychologist speaks out against the evil of radical Islam: “Forged in justifiable anger, this [is a] flamethrower of a book” (Kirkus Reviews). On Feb. 21, 2006, Wafa Sultan gave one of the most provocative interviews ever given by a Muslim woman on the Al Jazeera network. In the middle of the interview, she told her male Muslim interviewer that it was her turn to speak. And she did. She told him to “shut up”. This simple yet radical act—of a Muslim woman asserting herself in the face of a Muslim man—catapulted her to fame. Now, Sultan tells her story and airs her provocative views in a book that offers a cleare-eyed look at Islam and the threat it poses for the world. As an intelligent young girl who would someday become a psychiatrist, Sultan grew up under the thumb of a culture ruled by a god who hates women and all they represent. From this kernel of female hatred at the heart of Islam, Sultan builds her case against the mullahs and their followers bent on destroying the West.