A Guide to the Works and Remains of Benjamin Wills Newton
This book is the definitive catalogue of material deriving from Benjamin Wills Newton (1807-1899). B.W Newton was a gifted linguist and theologian who wrote on many key issues. Most notably, he dedicated more than 60 years of his life to the study of the prophetic Scriptures. This Guide has been more than 40 years in preparation and presents the results of much investigation of primary sources, some of which have been recovered as a result the researches of the author. It provides an index of nearly 500 titles of published works, articles in periodicals, and posthumous articles attributed to him. It lists and assesses any anonymous published material of which B.W. Newton has been suggested as the author. It identifies the libraries and collections where B.W. Newton's published works are principally located and where other records have been preserved. It provides an exhaustive bibliography of his published works, which summarises each publication and provides details of editions and where original copies are located. There is an in depth analysis of the editions of his most important works. The Guide also gives an extensive catalogue of posthumously published notes of addresses, letters, and manuscripts attributed to him. The second half of the Guide describes manuscript and typescript material, and ephemera that have survived. Most importantly this gives a chronological listing and summary of all known correspondence from him, to him, and in some cases regarding him - 500 items are recorded. Finally, it gives a select bibliography and a thematic arrangement of his published works.