The Christian's Friend and Instructor
A Famine of the Word of God. A Meditation. "Adam," "The seed of the woman," and "Part with me." Association with Christ. Atonement. The Call of Abraham Christ and the Assembly Expository Jotting An Expository Jotting Expository Jottings Extract from Letter on Revivals Extract from an Unpublished Letter. Extracts from Letters Extracts from Unpublished Letters. "Gathered." God's Ways and Testimony Haggai Hymn of Praise. The Book of Jonah. The Lord's Roll-Call The Bright and Morning Star. My Place. My times are in thy hand Nehemiah and His Workers. On Hebrews 2 On John 2. On Knowing God's Will On Sealing with the Holy Ghost, etc. On Tracing the Actings and Leadings of the Spirit of God. Philadelphia and Laodicea On the Epistle to the Romans Standing and State Suited Ministry. The Testimony of God The Baptism of Repentance. The Father's House. The Holy One of Israel. The Lord's Request. The Path of Faith. "The will of God" and "The Unity of the Spirit." Time and For Ever. What is our power for walk? Who are the "Spiritual" in Galatians 6:1. The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge