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Bioethical and Evolutionary Approaches to Medicine and the Law
Bioethical and Evolutionary Approaches to Medicine and the Law
Bioethics is a multidisciplinary field of law and one that can not be ignored. Bioethical and Evolutionary Approaches to Medicine and the Law is a comprehensive, scholarly analysis of bioethics and the development of its standards. The book is broken up into the following four parts: * Part I deals with scientific, religious, ethical and legal aspects of bioethics * Part II evaluates 100 current bioethical issues and sets forth specific approaches for their resolution * Part III focuses on medical, legal and other problems from beginning of life (overpopulation, birth control, in vitro fertilization, etc.) through end of life (physician assisted suicide, advance directives, euthanasia, etc.) * Part IV discusses the major bioethical issues in genetics and genetic engineering.
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Light Behind the Fire
Light Behind the Fire
Bill Ward, a physics teacher, pushes son Johnny (as well as his colleagues) toward the belief in evolution. Johnny's girl friend Hazy found it to be irreconcilable with her Biblically-oriented mother and her church minister. Following the defeat of Gov. Bill Clinton in the 1980 election, a statute is enacted under the new fundamentalist Gov. White requiring the teaching of Biblical Creationism along with evolution in all biology classes of the state's public high schools. Pending the trial in the federal court on its Constitutionality, Hazy brings Johnny (along with some of his atheistic classmates) to debates with her fundamentalist pastor. Because the pastor is unsuccessful in persuading them to his views, she became very disturbed-particularly as Johnny continued attempting to have her becoming born-again in his direction while continuing to increase their mutual love. When attending portions of the trial on the new state law at Johnny's request, an increasingly disturbed Hazy decides upon an action against herself. A devastated Johnny then commences seeing his father's approach in a different light and a necessity to undertake a personal action.
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Litigation Services Handbook
Litigation Services Handbook
Litigation Services Handbook, Fourth Edition is referred to as the litigation bible. Its nearly 50 chapters read like a who's who in law and accounting. The handbook includes all aspects of litigation services, including current environments, the process itself, a wealth of cases, how to prove damages, and practical considerations of court appearances. The new edition has a heavy focus on fraud investigations and complying with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.
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Life, Death, and the Law
Life, Death, and the Law
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Real Estate Finance in a Nutshell
Real Estate Finance in a Nutshell
Law of Real Estate Financing; Mortgage Market; Real Estate Financing Devices; Underlying Obligation; Mortgaged Property; Transfer of Mortgagor's Interest; Transfer of Mortgagee's Interest; After Default and Before Foreclosure; Priorities; Foreclosure; Financing Cooperatives and Condominiums; Reform.
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