Cultural Resources Investigations
A program of site location, site evaluation, and materials examination undertaken included a cultural resources reconnaissance of several unexamined terrace structures of the Table Rock Lake area to document the presence of site on these landforms and to gather information regarding the possibility of buried cultural deposits in these landforms. A total of 21 such terrace areas were examined. SIxteen of these contained prehistoric sites in which 14 were recommended for further investigations. The presence of buried surfaces and cultural deposits was also documented for this area and a thorough program of geomorphological study was recommended for the region. Ten sites were evaluated for possible nomination to the Natural Register of Historic Places. These included 3B0234, 3B0236, 3CR234, 3CR235, 3CR236, 23BY340, 23SN793, 23TA226, 23TA291, and 23TA309. Sites 3CR234, 3CR236, 23TA226, 23TA291, and 23TA309 were judged eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. A construction of the lithic reduction sequence used at 3 sites (23BY441, 23BY591, and 23BY605) was undertaken.