X-Ray Anatomy
X-Ray Anatomy describes as well as illustrates the elementary and advanced radiological anatomy. This book presents the radiograph of the various parts of the human body, including the head, neck, upper limb, lower limb, abdomen, thorax, and the vertebral column. Organized into eight chapters, this book begins with an overview of the four classical methods of inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation. This text then describes the structure of the human skeleton, including its physical properties and its appearance in the radiograph. Other chapters consider the surface contours and skeletal landmarks of the shoulder and arm. This book discusses as well the condition of spina bifida, which is accompanied by anomalies of the spinal cord. The final chapter deals with several diagrams showing the radiographs of the larynx, the skull, as well as the ventricular system of the brain. This book is a valuable resource for radiologists, physicians, surgeons, and internists.