Algebraic Combinatorics
Each year since 1996 the universities of Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim have organized summer schools in Nordfjordeid in various topics in algebra and related ?elds. Nordfjordeid is the birthplace of Sophus Lie, and is a village on the western coast of Norway situated among fjords and mountains, with sp- tacularscenerywhereveryougo. AssuchitisawelcomeplaceforbothNor- gian and international participants and lecturers. The theme for the summer school in 2003 was Algebraic Combinatorics. The organizing committee c- sisted of Gunnar Fløystad and Stein Arild Strømme (Bergen), Geir Ellingsrud and Kristian Ranestad (Oslo), and Alexej Rudakov and Sverre Smalø (Tro- heim). The summer school was partly ?nanced by NorFa-Nordisk Forsker- danningsakademi. With combinatorics reaching into and playing an important part of ever more areas in mathematics, in particular algebra, algebraic combinatorics was a timely theme. The ?st lecture series “Hyperplane arrangements” was given by Peter Orlik. He came as a refugee to Norway, eighteen years old, after the insurrection in Hungary in 1956. Despite now having lived more than four decades in the United States, he impressed us by speaking ?uent Norwegian without a trace of accent. The second lecture series “Discrete Morse theory and free resolutions” was given by Volkmar Welker. These two topics ori- nate back in the second half of the nineteenth century with simple problems on arrangements of lines in the plane and Hilberts syzygy theorem.