Paradigm Shift in Managerial Practices in Post COVID Era
Paradigm Shift in Managerial Practices in the Post-COVID Era', is an anthology- a compilation of research papers, articles/case studies by scholars. The edited book covers various dimensions of impact on different sectors of economy, management and society which have forced us to learn to live with the new normal.It discusses how COVID has given the Government and corporates an opportunity to revisit the vision and mission, redesign the organisational structure, reset the goals and objectives, reformulate the policy, procedure and strategy, rethink IT infrastructure, restructure the marketing and HR policies, remodel financial structure, tools and techniques, rebuild new business model and take care of People, Planet and Profit leading to sustainable solutions. Those who excel in this practice will survive. It depicts how change is the pre-requisite of success in the post COVID Era.'Paradigm Shift in Managerial Practices in the Post-COVID Era' shall serve as a comprehensive guide in various functional areas of management. The anthology will surely prove to be a good read to the academicians, industrialists, economists, professionals, regulatory bodies and social organisations. We are sure that the readers would be gaining better insights about various dimensions of managing the man, machine, material, market, money, economy, education, environment, and society along with relationship.