Embrace your Genius
DISCOVER THE POWER OF YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCES IN CREATING A GENIUS OUT OF YOU Our Life experiences have so much to give as long as we can reflect on them, and distill some incredible lessons and principles. This book is a diary of real-life stories involving high drama, emotions, courage, bravery, action, adventure, kindness, self-belief and comedy. No matter who you are, what background you come from, what you do, where you live - by the time you finish reading this book, you will look at your life experiences differently. You would use the insights from these experiences to make better choices and thoughtful decisions in your life. We guarantee that some of you would also become authors by codifying and sharing your own life stories and anecdotes, just like we did in this book. This book is recommended for the fans of books by Ankur Warikoo, Om Swami, Tony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Stephen R. Covey, Mark Manson, Spencer Johnson, Malcolm Gladwell, James Clear, Jeff Keller, Morgan Housel, Gaur Gopal Das, Robin Sharma, Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sudha Murthy, Jay Shetty