The crowning achievement of the New Deal-era Federal Writers' Project (1935-1943) was its American Guide Series of books and pamphlets describing the nation's cities, states, territories, regions, and localities. The Virginia Writers' Program contributed several important volumes to this series, the most popular and widely circulated of which was "Virginia: A Guide to the Old Dominion." First published in 1940, the Virginia guide is still in great demand more than half a century later for the wealth of fascinating historical information contained in its pages. The first section of the guide presents fifteen essays that range from Douglas Southall Freeman's reflections on the spirit of Virginia to fact-filled analyses of the state's geography, history, population, economy, folk culture, and social life. The second section highlights fifteen of Virginia's largest cities, while the third present twenty-four detailed tours of the state's major regions and points of interest. -- From publisher's description.