Work, Protest, and Identity in Twentieth-century Latin America
This text takes a novel approach to labor. Rather than examine the labor movement, labor unions, and labor organizing, Work, Protest, and Identity in Twentieth-Century Latin America sets work in the context of social history in Latin America. It combines a chronological approach with a topical one to clarify how work is related to other themes in daily Latin American life-themes such as gender, race, family life, ethnicity, immigration, politics, industrial and agricultural growth, and religion. The essays in this collection bring together original studies and published works that illustrate the tensions and conflicts between work, identity, and community that caused protest to take many different forms in Latin American countries. Designed to give students a better appreciation for the complexity of the lives of the wage-working sectors of society and the richness of their contributions to the cultures and nations of the region, Work, Protest, and Identity in Twentieth-Century Latin America is essential for courses on the social history of Latin America, state formation, labor and protest, and surveys of modern Latin America.