A Cold Dark Secret is a shocking and absorbing tale of what some people do to each other. Deidre Cross A sixteen-year-old who comes to discover life outside the home is the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Where uncertainty, sometimes, leads to loss, pain, and suffering. Deidre Cross discovers who her parents were a lifetime ago when a secret she has kept hidden is exposed over the internet. Her father, William, has imposed his righteous beliefs to bring Deidre to the light, out of the dark shadowy world, away from Robert Farnsworth, the young man who stole Deidre’s heart, and who William believes, has soiled Deidre’s soul. Deidre keeps secret her love for Robbie, but in today’s world, nothing is secret when cameras are at every angle to capture intimate moments. William T. Cross believes the outside world of cellphones, computers, all the devices the world cannot do without, are the implications of the devil, and fears Deidre will become lost in what he believes is the shadowy world. After Deidre’s secret is exposed online through a video gone viral, Robbie vanishes, abandoning Deidre, leaving her behind. But Deidre doesn’t believe Robbie would ever do this to her, and the uncovering of the truth leads to a cold…dark…secret.