Trouble-Free Travel with Children
This slim book (ideal for tucking into a purse or a tote) is packed with literally hundreds of ideas, hints and resources such as what to pack and what to leave behind, things to know when traveling alone, planning around children's ages and stages, entertaining travel games information on passports and visas, tips for camping, clothing and cleanups, helpful ideas for eating out and sleeping away from home and tips for surviving theme parks. This updated and revised paperback helps to deal with almost any situation. Planes, trains, boats & autos in greens and blues adorn the newly-designed cover. This trade paperback is 6.5"x 6.5" with 136 pages. There is a table of contents and an index to help quickly reference any specific topic. There are eight chapters that include planning, packing, entertaining, sleeping, eating, going by car, plane, train, bus & traveling abroad. Parenting expert, Vicki Lansky helps parents discover the ways to benefit and enjoy themselves and their children when traveling. Whether a spur of the moment weekend jaunt or traveling abroad, Ms. Lansky's common sense approach to learning to expect the unexpected, and always being prepared is the way to manage a stress free journey.