Comics for Social and Communicative Behavior
During the first years in school children need to learn reading, writing and arithmetic, but it seems equally important to develop social and communicative skills and good values. While there are plenty of teaching programs on the "Three Rs" it is not easy to find curricula for social behavior and character development. This workbook provides a clear teaching sequence on eight long-term objectives, such as being reliable, authentic, empathetic, self-controlled and a good team player. In 130 cartons daily problem situations are pictured and possible solutions are presented. While making good value choices children learn at the same time to become competent communicators. Typical as well as well as special needs students are encouraged to pro-social behaviors which are a solid foundation for school, social and future professional success. Vera Bernard-Opitz, Ph.D. is a Board Certified Behavior Therapist (BCBA-D) who works internationally as author, speaker and supervisor.