Biometrical Methods In Horticultural Sciences
The book presents complicated statistical equations and formulae in the form of easily understandable text and simple formulae, so that large data gathered through the field experimentation could be properly analyzed and correct inferences may be drawn from it. The present book has been divided into seven chapters. First two chapters deals with the development of biometrics and basic statistics because biometrics cannot be understood properly without having knowledge of basic statistics. The third chapter deals with assessment of variability in a population which can be determined through different methods like D2 statistics, Euclidean cluster analysis and meteroglyph analysis, however, range, standard deviation, variance and coefficient of variation are simpler statistics for assessment of variability. Fourth chapter deals with breeding methods which include selection process, eritability, and selection index. Fifth chapter deals with aids in selection and include important topics like correlation, path analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, PCA and discriminant function analysis. Sixth chapter deals with aids in selection which include diallel analysis and generation mean analysis. Seventh chapter is varietal adaptation which includes stability analysis of a variety.