Life is a celebration
This book is an attempt to share my experiences primarily on Indian circumstances specific to middleclass families who have neither enough resources nor influence to get their due share and significant growth in their careers. Only a few of them grow to the top levels with sheer hard work, but most of them retire by the time they realize their potential. Covid 19 lock down hit the entire range of households but worst affected was the middle class. I am an Aam Aadmi (ordinary man) with a typical middle-class mentality. I worked in various sectors and could understand the way the public sector function that is usually top-down, private sector with profit orientation and non-government organization’s with bottom-up and participative approaches. I, too, worked in an academic Institute where I enjoyed my time with young minds with diversified backgrounds. The liberalization (1991) revolutionized the Indian economy, and the corporate world is dominating with excellent opportunities and work culture. Employees are smart with brilliant academic background with a tag around the neck, plastic money cards in the pockets, pickup and drop facilities, and of course, Covid-19 forced to work from home (WFH). The reality is something different with most of the workforce; future uncertainty, no belongingness, fast changes in technologies, health problems mainly lifestyle-related, family issues related to strained relations. Quite often, we come across nice people who feel that they cannot cope with the people of mean mentality, biased, corrupt, influential, manipulative, and highly selfish. We, too, see people who are successful with amazing assets without happiness. I am fortunate to be part of the happenings at various organizations with their business and professional dealings. I have been enjoying life despite many failures, mistakes and troubles. The year 2020 has thrown unprecedented challenges to civilization with the Covid-19 pandemic with human loss and disrupted economic and social activities. I took it as an opportunity to encapsulate my thoughts mainly for the benefit of youth and middle-aged.