Collected Wheel Publications Volume XIII
182: The Philosophy of the Atthakavagga—P. D. Premasiri; 183–5: Samyutta Nikaya—An Anthology: Part II—Bhikkhu Nanananda; 186–7: The Three Basic Facts of Existence I: Impermanence (Anicca)—Various authors; 188: Ideal Solitude—Bhikkhu Nanananda; 189–90: The Buddha on Meditation and Higher States of Consciousness—Daniel Goleman; 191–3: The Three Basic Facts of Existence II: Suffering (Dukkha)—Various authors; 194: A Guide to the Perplexed—Donald K. Swearer; 195–6: Aspects of Buddhism in Indian History—L. M. Joshi; 197–8: Buddhist Broadcast Talks—V. F. Gunaratna;