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Life and Loss in the Shadow of the Holocaust
Life and Loss in the Shadow of the Holocaust
A family's recently discovered correspondence provides the inspiration for this fascinating and deeply moving account of Jewish family life before, during and after the Holocaust. Rebecca Boehling and Uta Larkey reveal how the Kaufmann-Steinberg family was pulled apart under the Nazi regime and dispersed over three continents. The family's unique eight-way correspondence across two generations brings into sharp focus the dilemma of Jews in Nazi Germany facing the painful decisions of when, if and to where they should emigrate. The authors capture the family members' fluctuating emotions of hope, optimism, resignation and despair as well as the day-to-day concerns, experiences and dynamics of family life despite increasing persecution and impending deportation. Headed by two sisters who were among the first female business owners in Essen, the family was far from conventional and their story contributes new dimensions to our understanding of Jewish life in Germany and in exile during these dark years.
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Friedrich Justin Bertuch
Friedrich Justin Bertuch
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Betriebliche Gesundheitspolitik
Betriebliche Gesundheitspolitik
Gesundheit ist, gemeinsam mit Bildung und Qualifikation, zentrale Voraussetzung hoher Leistungsfähigkeit und Leistungsbereitschaft. Dies veranlasst eine stetig wachsende Zahl von Unternehmen zur Formulierung einer Betrieblichen Gesundheitspolitik und ihrer Umsetzung mit Hilfe eines systematischen, nachhaltig wirksamen Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements. Die zweite, völlig überarbeitete Auflage des Buches beschäftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen und Zielen, mit den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen und Optionen Betrieblicher Gesundheitspolitik. Weitere Themen sind Standards und wichtige Einzelthemen des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements wie z. B. Mitarbeiterbefragungen und Kennzahlenentwicklung. Im Zentrum stehen die Arbeits- und Organisationsbedingungen, ihre Diagnose und gesundheitsförderliche Gestaltung. Zentrale Konzepte sind dabei Führung, Sozialkapital, Sinnhaftigkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit der Arbeit sowie Mitarbeiterorientierung.
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Carl Fieger
Carl Fieger
The Bauhaus Edition presents the latest state of research on the architect and designer Carl Fieger (1893-1960).The publication presents the innovative projects that he realized as an independent architect and furniture designer and examines his close connection to the Bauhaus.Designs, drawings, and photographs bear witness to his extensive work at the renowned architecture firms of Peter Behren and Walter Gropius on the most important building projects of the architectural history of the twentieth century.In 1953, the experience in standardized and serial construction that Carl Fieger had gained over decades culminated in the first prefabricated construction in East Germany.This catalogue is produced as part of a series of special exhibitions at Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in the build-up to the Bauhaus Centenary 2019.Published on the occasion of the exhibition, Carl Fieger: From Bauhaus to Bauakademie at Bauhaus Building, Dessau (22 March - 31 October 2018).
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Reglazing Modernism
Reglazing Modernism
The worldwide use of building envelopes in steel and glass is one of the characteristic features of modern architecture. Many of these pre- and post-war buildings are now suffering severe defects in the building fabric, which necessitate measures to preserve the buildings. In this endeavor, aspects of architectural design, building physics, and the preservation of historic buildings play a key role. Using a selection of 20 iconic buildings in Europe and the USA, the book documents the current technological status of the three most common strategies used today: restoration, rehabilitation, and replacement. The buildings include Fallingwater House by Frank Lloyd Wright, Farnsworth House by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Fagus Factory and Bauhaus Building by Walter Gropius.
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Minimal Art
Minimal Art
The bare minimum Often regarded as a backlash against abstract expressionism, Minimalism was characterized by simplified, stripped-down forms and materials used to express ideas in a direct and impersonal manner. By presenting artworks as simple objects, minimalist artists sought to communicate esthetic ideals without reference to expressive or historical themes. This critical movement, which began in the 1960s and branched out into land art, performance art, and conceptual art, is still a major influence today. This book explains the how, why, where and when of Minimal Art, and the artists who helped define it. Featured artists: Carl Andre, Stephen Antonakos, Jo Baer, Larry Bell, Ronald Bladen, Walter De Maria, Dan Flavin, Robert Grosvenor, Eva Hesse, Donald Judd, Gary Kuehn, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, John McCracken, Robert Morris, Robert Ryman, Fred Sandback, Richard Serra, Tony Smith, Frank Stella, Robert Smithson, Anne Truitt About the Series: Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Genre Series features: a detailed illustrated introduction plus a timeline of the most important political, cultural and social events that took place during that period a selection of the most important works of the epoch, each of which is presented on a 2-page spread with a full-page image and with an interpretation of the respective work, plus a portrait and brief biography of the artist approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions
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Das demenzsensible Krankenhaus
Das demenzsensible Krankenhaus
Wie macht man ein Krankenhaus fit für Menschen mit Demenz? Erfahren Sie erstmalig gebündelt, was ein demenzsensibles Krankenhaus auszeichnet. Aus der Praxis für die Praxis entstanden, verbindet die hochkarätigen Autoren der gemeinsame Wunsch, die Situation von kognitiv beeinträchtigten Patienten zu verbessern. Viele Menschen, nicht nur Ärzte und Pflegekräfte, leisten hierzu einen wichtigen Beitrag. Sie alle werden von der Lektüre profitieren. Von Architektur bis Zukunftsorientierung bietet das Werk einen praktischen Überblick anhand der Prozesse im Krankenhaus: - Ansprechende Architektur, persönliche Professionalität, bewusste Burn-out-Prävention, einfühlsame Kommunikation - (Not-)Aufnahme --> Entlassung: vorausschauende Delirprävention, smarte Stationsorganisation, umfassende Diagnostik, begleitende Behandlung von Demenz, bedürfnisgerechte Ernährung - Ganzheitliche Spiritualität, ethische Zielsetzungen, grundlegende Finanzierung, rechtliche Aspekte - Zukunftsorientierte Versorgungskonzepte
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