Sefer Hasichos 5701 - English
Talks delivered in 1940-41.Tha Nazi volcano had erupted, ... devastating the precious Jewish communities of Europe...distant shores of complacent America were rocked by the tsunami ... 5701, from late 1940 to late 1941, and the impassioned talks which the sixth Lubavticher Rebbe,... .translated for the first time in this volume. ... American Jews: firstly, to sensitize them them to the realization that that the European Jews who were under moral threat were their own unarmed brothers and sisters; and secondly, to rouse them to read Heaven's blatant signals correctly.The Rebbe Rayatz ... affirmed that the current upheavel ... was an urgent wake-up call from Above..... sent down to This world not in order to blandly materialize the Great American make This world a dwelling place for G-d, by living a life that is sweet and selfless and purposeful and spiritual.....dominant tone of this volume is set by energizing and empowering themes. ...refreshing oral traditions from all the Rabbeim that refine and fine-tune our conception of key terms such as tzaddik, Rebbe, chassid, avodah, meditation, and farbrengen; large-as-life vignettes of chassdim of every era and every description; chronicles of the early struggles of the chassidic movement; and recollections of how the Rebbe Rashab groomed his son from early childhood for his destined role.... candid and outspoken comments about a wide range of sensitive subjects.,