The Wild Swans – 野天鹅 · Yě tiān'é (English – Chinese)
Lovingly illustrated adaptation of Andersen's classic fairy tale. Bilingual edition (English and Chinese), accompanied by online audiobooks and videos in English (British as well as American) and Chinese and printable coloring pages. "The Wild Swans" by Hans Christian Andersen is, with good reason, one of the world's most popular fairy tales. In its timeless form it addresses the issues out of which human dramas are made: fear, bravery, love, betrayal, separation and reunion. The present edition is a lovingly illustrated picture book recounting Andersen's fairy tale in a sensitive and child-friendly form. ♫ Listen to the story read by native speakers! Within the book you'll find a link that gives you free access to audiobooks and videos in both languages.► With Pinyin transcription. ► With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in. 双语儿童读物 (英语 – 中文), 带有在线有声读物和视频 汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生的"野天鹅"并非无缘无故成为世界上阅读最多的童话之一。它以永恒的方式使我们人类的戏剧素材:恐惧, 勇敢, 爱,背叛, 分离和重逢, 成为主题。 Hànsī kèlǐsītīng āntúshēng de "yě tiān'é" bìng fēi wúyuán wúgù chéngwéi shìjièshàng yuè dú zuì duō de tónghuà zhīyī. Tā yǐ yǒnghéng de fāngshì shǐ wǒmén rénlèi de xìjù sùcái:kǒngjù, yǒnggǎn, ài, bèipàni, fēnlí hé chòngféng, chéngwéi zhǔtí. 本书已被翻译成多种语言, 您可以订购任意组合的双语绘本。 Běn shū yǐ bèi fānyì chéng duōzhǒng yǔyán. Nín kěyǐ dìnggòu rènyì zǔhé de shuāngyǔ huìběn. ♫ 聆听母语者为您朗读!书中附链接供免费下载两种语言的有声读物。 ► 填色画!通过书中的链接可以下载以绘本画页做成的填色画。