Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling
School counseling that makes a difference—for all students! As an elementary school counselor, you’re implementing a comprehensive program to promote academic and social-emotional development for all students. You’re planting seeds of college and career readiness, which means creating core curriculum classroom lessons, delivering engaging content to students and parents, managing classroom behaviors, providing assessments, and sharing the results. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. In this guide, three experienced school counselors take you step by step through the creation and implementation of high-quality Tier 1 systems of universal supports. With a focus on proactive and prevention education through core curriculum classroom lessons and schoolwide activities, this practical text includes: The school counselor’s role in Multi-tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports Examples to help with design, implementation, and evaluation Guidance for selecting curriculum and developing lesson and action plans Alignment with ASCA National Model and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors Vignettes from practicing elementary school counselors Recommendations for including families in prevention activities Management tools, reproducible templates, and reflective activities and processing questions You teach the academic, college and career, and social-emotional competencies students need to be successful learners. With this book’s expert guidance, you’re prepared to help them get there. "This book accomplishes what so many school counseling graduates are often left to learn ‘on the job’: translation of theory and ideas into meaningful, evidence-based practice within a multi-tiered system of supports." —Paul C. Harris, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education University of Virginia "This is the book all elementary school counselors have been waiting for! Not only can it deepen our skills as educators and collaborators, it also provides a sounding board for effective school counseling practices that are standards-based, measurable, and focused on closing the achievement gap." —Kirsten Perry, ASCA 2018 School Counselor of the Year Lawndale Community Academy, Chicago, IL