Light, Love, Life
This marvelous book — back in print after an absence of twenty-five years — invites the reader to meet Elizabeth of the Trinity in selections from her own writings and more than seventy photos that span her short but luminous life. More Information Since her death in 1906, Elizabeth of the Trinity—Elizabeth Catez of Dijon, France—has drawn countless men and women to a deeper relationship with God through her laser-sharp focus on the mystery of the divine indwelling in the human person. In our frenetic, fast-paced and constantly wired world, the message of this young Carmelite nun is more relevant than ever. She shares with us her “secret”: not only that God loves us, but loves us to the point of making the center of our being “another heaven”—the place where God dwells, always present, always accessible and longing for intimate relationship with us. From the pouting toddler hugging her doll to the talented young pianist, from the style-conscious socialite to the radiant contemplative nun, this photo album gives us Elizabeth as she was. It invites us to know her better, and to make her secret—God’s indwelling presence—our own.