LOVE WOMEN PART 12 He pondered and started writing. The pen moved very slowly, as if each word was written with all its might, but never interrupted. Obviously, the content of the decree had been thought through countless times in the mind, so it was written so firmly. Thinking for a while, he took out another piece of golden silk, this was another part of the holy decree. He slowly moved his pen and continued writing. The candlelight danced on the emperor's face. His face, which was pale due to illness, was illuminated by the torch light, like the reflection of a dying person, making his spirit bright, and for a moment he seemed to have become bright again. About the years of youth, the decree was finally written. He slowly raised his hand, took the jade sister, pressed a part of the holy decree first, then lifted it up, as if trying to catch his breath, his fingers unconsciously stroked the dragon's head on the jade sister, his eyes became hazy. , his mouth hummed and hummed a rural song from an unknown source. "Lang Xuan Phong was born in February, little brother came to Thuy Loan city, oh my, who's daughter called Thu Sinh loudly, walking around wanting to enter the house.." In the magnificent main hall, a shallow song suddenly rang out. The village was really surprised, the emperor's expression gradually relaxed, he sang slowly, looking at the empty main hall in front of him, as if through the void he saw the lovely young girl that year holding a medicine box from the trail. While walking in the countryside, he was singing and suddenly coughed continuously. The singing suddenly stopped, he looked at the blood stains on the white rose and was in a trance.