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Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching
Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A Comprehensive Guide to the New Brain-Based Teaching
Establishing the parameters and goals of the new field of mind, brain, and education science. A groundbreaking work, Mind, Brain, and Education Science explains the new transdisciplinary academic field that has grown out of the intersection of neuroscience, education, and psychology. The trend in “brain-based teaching” has been growing for the past twenty years and has exploded in the past five to become the most authoritative pedagogy for best learning results. Aimed at teachers, teacher trainers and policy makers, and anyone interested in the future of education in America and beyond, Mind, Brain, and Education Science responds to the clamor for help in identifying what information could and should apply in classrooms with confidence, and what information is simply commercial hype. Combining an exhaustive review of the literature, as well as interviews with over twenty thought leaders in the field from six different countries, this book describes the birth and future of this new and groundbreaking discipline. Mind, Brain, and Education Science looks at the foundations, standards, and history of the field, outlining the ways that new information should be judged. Well-established information is elegantly separated from “neuromyths” to help teachers split the wheat from the chaff in classroom planning, instruction and teaching methodology.
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Neuromyths: Debunking False Ideas About The Brain
Neuromyths: Debunking False Ideas About The Brain
A guide to the science behind the art of teaching. Not every teaching method touted as "brain-friendly" is supported by research findings—and misconceptions about the brain have the capacity to harm rather than help. In her new book, Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa untangles scientific fact from pedagogical fiction, debunking dozens of widely held beliefs about the brain that have made their way into the education literature. In ten central chapters on topics ranging from brain structure to classroom environments, the text traces the origins of common neuromyths—from categorizing individuals as "right-brained" or "left-brained" to prevailing beliefs about multitasking or the effects of video games—and corrects the record with the most current state of knowledge. Rather than offering pat strategies, Tokuhama-Espinosa challenges teachers curious about the brain to become learning scientists, and supplies the tools needed to evaluate research and put it to use in the classroom.
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Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applications of Mind, Brain, and Education Science
Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applications of Mind, Brain, and Education Science
A practical, classroom-oriented guide to best-practice teaching. Learning specialist Leslie Hart once wrote that designing educational experiences without knowledge of the brain is like designing a glove without knowledge of the hand. Making Classrooms Better takes this concept a step further, building from general knowledge of brain-based education science and current educational research to offer specific suggestions for how teachers can improve student learning outcomes. Covering a range of subjects, from creating an optimal classroom climate to maximizing metacognitive skill development, this well-researched, state-of-the-art guide is an essential resource for highly effective practices that teachers, administrators, and curriculum planners can easily use. The first half of the book provides a practical overview of teaching from a Mind, Brain, and Education perspective through an understanding of the intersection of the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and pedagogy. The second half shares 50 evidence-based classroom “best practices” that have a proven positive impact on student learning outcomes and explains why they work.
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A guide to the science behind the art of teaching. Not every teaching method touted as "brain-friendly" is supported by research findings—and misconceptions about the brain have the capacity to harm rather than help. In her new book, Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa untangles scientific fact from pedagogical fiction, debunking dozens of widely held beliefs about the brain that have made their way into the education literature. In ten central chapters on topics ranging from brain structure to classroom environments, the text traces the origins of common neuromyths—from categorizing individuals as "right-brained" or "left-brained" to prevailing beliefs about multitasking or the effects of video games—and corrects the record with the most current state of knowledge. Rather than offering pat strategies, Tokuhama-Espinosa challenges teachers curious about the brain to become learning scientists, and supplies the tools needed to evaluate research and put it to use in the classroom.
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The New Science of Teaching and Learning
The New Science of Teaching and Learning
This book offers a definitive, scientifically grounded guide for better teaching and learning practices. Drawing from thousands of documents and the opinions of recognized experts worldwide, it explains in straight talk the new Mind, Brain, and Education Science—a field that has grown out of the intersection of neuroscience, education, and psychology. While parents and teachers are often bombarded with promises of “a better brain,” this book distinguishes true, applicable neuroscience from the popular neuromyths that have gained currency in education. Each instructional guideline presented in the book is accompanied by real-life classroom examples to help teachers envision the direct application of the information in their own schools. The author offers essential tools for evaluating new information as it flows from research and adds to what we know. Written by a teacher for teachers, this easy-to-use resource: Documents the findings of the top experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and education. Addresses the confusion around the misuse of concepts in brain-based education. Applies well-substantiated findings about the brain to classroom practice and teaching.
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Questions Kids Ask About Their Brains
Questions Kids Ask About Their Brains
Great teachers will tell you that you can learn a lot about students from the questions they ask. This book shares 400 of the most important questions kids ask about their brains, along with answers that can be shared with students from ages 3 to 18. What hidden talents do I have? Where does our inner voice come from? How many things can we think of at the same time? Where does the brain keep memories? Why are some people more creative than others? Each of these questions tells teachers a little story about how their students think which can be used to inform classroom practice and improve learning outcomes. The book is grouped into two parts. Part one addresses how your brain makes you who you are (identity, structure, growth, function, emotions and feelings). Part two is about how to optimize its function (memory, attention, and executive functions, learning, excelling and roadblocks). Questions are followed by Big Ideas which are key understandings of how the brain functions. Integrated throughout the book are more than 60 Implications For Teaching, which spell out the usable knowledge from each section. Each chapter ends with a list of resources to reinforce the Big Ideas with students, and the closing chapter suggests specific activities to help students embrace this information for themselves. Whether you are a teacher, counselor, college student, parent, or kid, the information in this book will help you love and admire your own brain and feel empowered to improve it every day. Book Features: A window into students’ thoughts and concerns about themselves as learners and beings in today’s complex world. A special chapter for classroom teachers with activities and guidance for integrating the information into P–12 lessons. Big Ideas for readers looking for solutions they can quickly implement in their classroom. Detailed answers, along with QR codes to the research articles behind them, for readers looking for more in-depth knowledge about learning and the brain. Insights from a year-long international study in 21 countries that asked kids what they wanted to know about their own brains.
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Raising Multilingual Children
Raising Multilingual Children
Evaluates the most recent research in linguistics, neurology, education, and psychology and reinterprets the findings in an easy-to-follow format. Case studies illustrate the many ways families combine ten key factors in order to successfully raise multilingual children. The book encourages parents and teachers to reflect on their personal situations and helps them to foster multilingual skills in the children around them.
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Living Languages
Living Languages
Globalization is on everyone's tongue, and the discussion is not only limited to economic exchange, but expands to the intermingling of cultural values. To be truly successful in the international arena, whether as an immigrant, student, businessperson, or tourist, openness toward other cultures is vital and the most obvious door to those cultures is through language. Learning a second language is no longer an option for many, it is both a survival tool and an opportunity. This book is an aid to parents, educators, researchers, and individuals who want facts about foreign language learning in order to apply concrete tools to maximize their potential in this area, independent of their age. This book examines the various factors in successful multilingualism across the lifespan, discussing groups such as those lucky enough to enjoy bilingualism from birth to those who become foreign language learners in adulthood. Special attention is paid to a critique of the academic critical years concept and the question, how long does it take a non-native speaker to become fluent? While many are concerned with bilingualism, millions around the world live with three or more languages. For those considering adding a third language, this book looks at the benefits of bilingualism that transfer to trilingualism. Finally, the book establishes methods for teaching foreign languages and hints for home support that maximize each person's potential for languages.
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Crossing Mind, Brain, and Education Boundaries
Crossing Mind, Brain, and Education Boundaries
Mind, Brain, and Education science is a very young field, though it has roots in thousands of years of academic reflection. This book is a brief but critical look into the key turning points in the field’s evolution and the existing initiatives in order to project its future directions. It draws on information from all major branches of the learning sciences, including philosophy and history, and more modern constructs such as cognitive psychology and neuroscience. First and foremost, it is a textbook for early graduate training programs in Mind, Brain, and Education science and Educational Neuroscience and those who would like to have Learning Sciences as their main area of study, but the book will also serve as an introduction for those educational policymakers who would like to ground decision-making in evidence from the Learning Sciences, and neuroscientists who need to have knowledge about mind and education.
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