Language, Literacy and Minorities
The ideal of a world where bilingualism or multilingualism is a normal and accepted feature is promoted in a commissioned report for International Literacy Year. It is noted that many minority groups are forced into bilingualism as a necessity for survival, but that those skills are rarely seen as an advantage and often seen as a cause of dissention and conflict. There are few international standards for the maintenance and promotion of linguistic human rights. Ideologies and examples of the education of minority children are discussed, along with a comparison of different educational programs (segregation, maintenance, submersion, immersion). The question of whether children or schools are deficient is also discussed, as well as mother tongue literacy and universal primary education. A preliminary Declaration on Linguistic Rights is presented that is intended to serve as a model for a United Nations standard. Excerpts from five international declarations on human rights are included. Contains 46 references. (LB)