The International Encyclopedia of Education
The International Encyclopedia of Education Supplementary Volume One is the first in a series of supplementary volumes which will extend and update the work of this major reference source on educational research and studies worldwide. Under the direction of Torsten Husen and T\Neville Postlethwaite, Editors-in-Chief of the Parent work, a distinguished editorial board has commissioned over 175 new articles by academic authors of international repute. The various sections in this Supplement are designed to give a comprehensive overview of the most recent research and studies in education throughout the world, and the authors have been selected for their pre-eminence at the forefront of contemporary enquiry into education. Within the sections, the articles are extensively cross-referenced to the Parent work, and the clear, concise style of the original Encyclopedia is carried forward into the Supplement. An essential adjunct to the International Encyclopedia of Education, Supplementary Volume One testifies to Pergamon's continuing commitment to educational research and studies worldwide, and enables the International Encyclopedia of Education to continue as the major and most up-to-date resource for scholars, educationalists, researchers, and decision-makers who are concerned with all aspects of education.