Dooly Goes to Kindergarten
Dooly, the little raccoon, wanted to go to kindergarten, just like his brother Booly. But he was still too young for that, and had to stay at home with their mother. For a long time, all he could do was watch his elder brother Booly go to kindergarten and do lovely things there with the other little raccoons, while he could not go yet. But Dooly soon grew up, and the time came when he was ready to go to kindergarten too. Dooly felt so proud and happy, because finally, he became a true 'kindergarten-raccoon'! This is a story your children will love and enjoy hearing again and again - especially the young ones, those who have just entered kindergarten this year or are about to begin kindergarten soon. The beautiful watercolour illustrations bring the story alive and help your child adjust to the coming or recent transition, and even look forward to it with joy. The story will also serve as reassurance to children who have already entered kindergarten and have a younger brother or sister who is about to join them. Tomer Rosen Grace grew up in Israel and was educated in Israel and England. She discovered Waldorf education and painting became one of her passions. She has numerous books in Hebrew for children, of which the following ones have been published in English on Amazon, with more coming in near future: Toonsy and Mirley - a Story of Two Squirrels, Babooli is Confused, Tolly the Rabbit Learns How to Go to Sleep, The Purple Gnome's Journey, The Water Turtle and the Tortoise.The mother of two and an experienced translator, she lives in the Northern Israel, writes and translates her own books, and greatly enjoys illustrating and publishing them for children around the world.