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Chaos for Engineers
Chaos for Engineers
A desription of the new mathematical ideas in nonlinear dynamics in such a way that engineers can apply them to real physical systems.
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Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems
Dynamics of Gambling: Origins of Randomness in Mechanical Systems
Our everyday life is in?uenced by many unexpected (dif?cult to predict) events usually referred as a chance. Probably, we all are as we are due to the accumulation point of a multitude of chance events. Gambling games that have been known to human beings nearly from the beginning of our civilization are based on chance events. These chance events have created the dream that everybody can easily become rich. This pursuit made gambling so popular. This book is devoted to the dynamics of the mechanical randomizers and we try to solve the problem why mechanical device (roulette) or a rigid body (a coin or a die) operating in the way described by the laws of classical mechanics can behave in such a way and produce a pseudorandom outcome. During mathematical lessons in primary school we are taught that the outcome of the coin tossing experiment is random and that the probability that the tossed coin lands heads (tails) up is equal to 1/2. Approximately, at the same time during physics lessons we are told that the motion of the rigid body (coin is an example of suchabody)isfullydeterministic. Typically,studentsarenotgiventheanswertothe question Why this duality in the interpretation of the simple mechanical experiment is possible? Trying to answer this question we describe the dynamics of the gambling games based on the coin toss, the throw of the die, and the roulette run.
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Dynamics of the Unicycle
Dynamics of the Unicycle
This book presents a three-dimensional model of the complete unicycle–unicyclist system. A unicycle with a unicyclist on it represents a very complex system. It combines Mechanics, Biomechanics and Control Theory into the system, and is impressive in both its simplicity and improbability. Even more amazing is the fact that most unicyclists don’t know that what they’re doing is, according to science, impossible – just like bumblebees theoretically shouldn’t be able to fly. This book is devoted to the problem of modeling and controlling a 3D dynamical system consisting of a single-wheeled vehicle, namely a unicycle and the cyclist (unicyclist) riding it. The equations of motion are derived with the aid of the rarely used Boltzmann–Hamel Equations in Matrix Form, which are based on quasi-velocities. The Matrix Form allows Hamel coefficients to be automatically generated, and eliminates all the difficulties associated with determining these quantities. The equations of motion are solved by means of Wolfram Mathematica. To more faithfully represent the unicyclist as part of the model, the model is extended according to the main principles of biomechanics. The impact of the pneumatic tire is investigated using the Pacejka Magic Formula model including experimental determination of the stiffness coefficient. The aim of control is to maintain the unicycle–unicyclist system in an unstable equilibrium around a given angular position. The control system, based on LQ Regulator, is applied in Wolfram Mathematica. Lastly, experimental validation, 3D motion capture using software OptiTrack – Motive:Body and high-speed cameras are employed to test the model’s legitimacy. The description of the unicycle–unicyclist system dynamical model, simulation results, and experimental validation are all presented in detail.
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Attractors of Quasiperiodically Forced Systems
Attractors of Quasiperiodically Forced Systems
This book discusses the influence of quasiperiodic force on dynamical system. With this type of forcing, different types of attractors are possible, for example, strange nonchaotic attractors which have some unusual properties.The main part of this book is based on the authors' recent works, but it also presents the results which are the combined achievements of many investigators.
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Systems with Hidden Attractors
Systems with Hidden Attractors
This brief provides a general overview of nonlinear systems that exhibit hidden-attractor behavior, a topic of interest in subjects as divers as physics, mechanics, electronics and secure communications. The brief is intended for readers who want to understand the concepts of the hidden attractor and hidden-attractor systems and to implement such systems experimentally using common electronic components. Emergent topics in circuit implementation of systems with hidden attractors are included. The brief serves as an up-to-date reference on an important research topic for undergraduate/graduate students, laboratory researchers and lecturers in various areas of engineering and physics.
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The Illustrated Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
The Illustrated Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
The study of nonlinear dynamics is one of the most active fields in modern science. It reaches across the whole range of scientific study, and is applied in fields as diverse as physics, engineering, biology, economics and medicine. However, the mathematical language used to describe nonlinear dynamics, and the proliferation of new terminology, can make the use of nonlinear dynamics a daunting task to the non-specialist. In addition,the simultaneous growth in the use of nonlinear dynamics across different fields, and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different disciplines, mean that names and methods used and developed in one field may be altered when 're-discovered' in a different context, making understanding the literature a difficult and time-consuming task. The Illustrated Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos addresses these problems. It presents, in an alphabetical format, the key terms, theorems and equations which arise in the study of nonlinear dynamics. New mathematical ideas are described and explained with examples and, where appropriate, illustrations are included to aid clarification and understanding. For some entries, the descriptions are self-contained, but should more detail be required, references are included for further reading. Where alternative terms are used for a single concept, an entry is placed under the name in most common usage, with cross-references given under other names. The Illustrated Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos is an invaluable reference source for all those who use nonlinear dynamics in their research, whether they are newcomers to the field who need help to understand the literature, or more experienced researchers who need a concise and handy reference.
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