The Mystical Swing
Augusto Tomas offers a truly unique perspective in this intriguing golf manual and spiritual guide. Drawing on an eclectic set of influences, he shows how the game has inspired his outer and inner journeys through life. Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Executive Coach in the World and New York Times #1 bestselling author of Triggers The Mystical Swingis a creative golf journey, for a fluid swing and a fluent speech, throughMind,BodyandSpirit. As a way of sharing the author travels and personal experiences, a taster class of 60 minutes, was developed where a set ofGolfermodel poses will be used asArtmodel poses, not for drawing but for writing purposes. By mastering a fluid golf swing, the author was able to overcome his own speech impediment, coming out of his shell by sharing his stuttering story like so many othersgolf legendsdid as Tiger Woods, Ken Venturi, Butch Baird and Sophie Gustafson. For all of us, stuttering was a blessing to become a better person! Asign of lovefrom the "Gods" to carry on the path forGreatness! To honor the Gods of Creativity, the ultimate quest of the author is to inspire the humankind for the magic benefits of Speaking from the Heart! The Mystical Swingtaster class will be of interest toGolfersand otherCuriouspeople who are into golf, as well as life! Sales ofThe Mystical Swingwill benefitSAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that for more than a decade has provided life-changing experiences for children who stutter.