January 6, 2021 and Other Poems
January 6, 2021 was a turning point in American history unlike any other including the Civil War. This is because it was the first time that a legitimately elected President (Trump) encouraged an insurrection and coup of another legitimately elected President-Elect (Biden). The fact that thousands of Trump’s supporters actually attempted to disrupt and foil the Constitutionally legal process of confirming the votes and the victory of President -Elect Biden by storming and threatening Congress is a travesty and violation of the U.S. Constitution that must be addressed and commented on. The author believes strongly in the laws and processes that enable democracy to exist and thrive in the United States of America. For without them our country is no more significant or safe and secure than any totalitarian regime that seeks to tyrannize its citizens by military force and terroristic tactics designed to make citizens obey through use of intimidation and genocidal violence. President Biden is faced with a grave and dangerous situation regarding the national security of the United States. For like Lincoln, Biden must acknowledge and take measures against a domestic enemy that is committed to overthrowing the power of the United States Constitution as the legal law of the land. However, Biden’s position, and the position of all other loyal and non-extremist Americans becomes more precarious when one realizes that many of the rioters of January sixth were military veterans, military reservists, police officers, etc., the very people that the citizens of this country rely upon for its internal and national security. In addition to their treason, the rioters also espoused agreement and beliefs of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, misogyny and anti-immigrant violence. These regrettable and insidious beliefs run contrary to the principles of personal freedom, liberty and justice that this country was founded upon, and if they are not exposed for the false and criminal beliefs that they are, then there is a real danger of the United States of America suffering a second Civil War, something that the traitors want to happen. There were two lessons learned from the tragedy of the Civil war, one, is that it had to happen, for slavery simply could not exist in a free and democratic country, two, is that another Civil War must never happen again. We are all Americans first and foremost but domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution must not be allowed to make war against our country, if for no other reason than realizing that the children of our land have a right to grow up free.