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Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Art Discourse in the Sixteenth-Century Netherlands examines Bruegel's later paintings in the context of two contemporary discourses-art theoretical and convivial. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, the author analyzes a variety of images, texts and historical records to offer a broader understanding of not only the artist, but also of the vibrant artistic dialogue occurring in the Netherlands during the sixteenth century.
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From Attention to Meaning
From Attention to Meaning
Of all the tasks you perform, perhaps none is more consequential for the performance of other tasks than paying attention. When you attend, you perceive. When you attend and perceive, you remember. When you attend, perceive, and remember, you learn. When you learn, you have the option of acting deliberately. Perceiving, thinking, learning, deciding, and acting require the constant adjustment of the attention system. The author proposes a model of the greater attention system as comprising three distinct but interdependent sub-systems: the signal system, the selection system, and the interperso.
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Culture, Brain, and Analgesia
Culture, Brain, and Analgesia
In this book, the authors have placed culture in the forefront of their approach to study pain in an integrative manner. Culture should not be considered solely for knowing more about patients' values, beliefs, and practices. It should be studied with the purpose of unveiling its effects upon biological systems and the pain neuromatrix. The book discusses how a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to pain and analgesia should be considered. Some familiarity with the cultural background of patients and awareness of the provider's own cultural characteristics will allow the pain practitioner to better understand patients' values, attitudes and preferences. Knowledge of patients' cultural practices will allow determining the impact of culture on biological processes, including the origin and development of pain-related disease, and the patients' response to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Acknowledging the interactions of molecules, genes and culture could yield a more appropriate and effective personalized pain medicine. Furthermore, this approach has the potential to transform the way pain medicine is taught to young students and future pain professionals, and in so doing meet the need of trained clinicians who are versed in multiple disciplines and are able to use an integrative approach to diagnose and treat pain. A personalized medicine will have non-negligible positive effects in improving doctor patient relationships, patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment plans, and health outcomes and inequities. It is hoped that the material in this volume will appeal to a broad cross-section of health practitioners, students and academicians, including pain medicine specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health, community and public health workers, health policy makers, and health administrators.
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Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements
Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements
Native Americans in the United States, similar to other indigenous people, created political, economic, and social movements to meet and adjust to major changes that impacted their cultures. For centuries, Native Americans dealt with the onslaught of non-Indian land claims, the appropriation of their homelands, and the destruction of their ways of life. Through various movements, Native Americans accepted, rejected, or accommodated themselves to the nontraditional worldviews of the colonizers and their policies. The Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements is designed to provide a useful reference for students and scholars to consult on topics dealing with key movements, organizations, leadership strategies, and the major issues these groups confronted. This second edition of Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements contains a chronology, an introduction, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 200 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, language, religion, politics, and the environment.
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Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook is the ultimate instruction manual for mitigation measures to minimise man-made acoustical and physical disturbances to marine mammals from industrial and defence activities. Based on more than two decades of offshore experience, and a decade of supplying MMO and PAM services (commercial and scientific), the Handbook is a long-overdue reference guide that seeks to improve standards worldwide for marine operations such as seismic and drilling exploration, wind farm and civil engineering piling, dredging, trenching, rock-dumping, hydrographical surveys, and military/defence exercises. By popular request, this manual will also form an accompaniment to MMO and PAM courses. The Handbook consolidates all aspects of this discipline into one easily accessible resource, to educate all stakeholders (e.g. MMOs, PAM operators, suppliers, recruitment agencies, clients, contractors, regulators, NGOs, consultants, scientists, academia and media), regardless of experience. Topics include worldwide legislation, compliance, anthropogenic noise sources and potential effects, training, offshore life, visual and acoustic monitoring (theory and practice), marine mammal distribution, hearing and vocalisations, and report writing. Advice is provided on implementing sensible and practical mitigation techniques, appropriate technologies, data collection, client and regulator liaison, and project kick-off meetings. "The Handbook is an indispensable How To guide to the growing and increasingly important occupation of marine mammal monitoring, written with clarity and humor by scientists who have extensive experience in this field." —Dr Phillip J. Clapham, world-renowned cetologist and Director of the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle.
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Error Correction Coding
Error Correction Coding
Providing in-depth treatment of error correction Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to classical and modern methods of error correction. The presentation provides a clear, practical introduction to using a lab-oriented approach. Readers are encouraged to implement the encoding and decoding algorithms with explicit algorithm statements and the mathematics used in error correction, balanced with an algorithmic development on how to actually do the encoding and decoding. Both block and stream (convolutional) codes are discussed, and the mathematics required to understand them are introduced on a "just-in-time" basis as the reader progresses through the book. The second edition increases the impact and reach of the book, updating it to discuss recent important technological advances. New material includes: Extensive coverage of LDPC codes, including a variety of decoding algorithms A comprehensive introduction to polar codes, including systematic encoding/decoding and list decoding An introduction to fountain codes Modern applications to systems such as HDTV, DVBT2, and cell phones Error Correction Coding includes extensive program files (for example, C++ code for all LDPC decoders and polar code decoders), laboratory materials for students to implement algorithms, and an updated solutions manual, all of which are perfect to help the reader understand and retain the content. The book covers classical BCH, Reed Solomon, Golay, Reed Muller, Hamming, and convolutional codes which are still component codes in virtually every modern communication system. There are also fulsome discussions of recently developed polar codes and fountain codes that serve to educate the reader on the newest developments in error correction.
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The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions
The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions
In this Handbook, Laith Al-Shawaf and Todd K. Shackelford have gathered a group of leading scholars in the field to present a centralized resource for researchers and students wishing to understand emotions from an evolutionary perspective. Experts from a number of different disciplines, including psychology, biology, anthropology, psychiatry, and others, tackle a variety of "how" (proximate) and "why" (ultimate) questions about the function of emotions in humans and nonhuman animals, how emotions work, and their place in human life. Comprehensive and integrative in nature, this Handbook is an essential resource for students and scholars from a diversity of fields wishing to build upon their theoretical and empirical understanding of the emotions.
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Waynesboro as We Knew it
Waynesboro as We Knew it
The history of Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, through the end of the Twentieth century, told through reminiscences, diaries, letters, pictures, and anecdotes collected by the Author over the past forty years.
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The Quarter Dollar
The Quarter Dollar
Ruth knocked on the door and stuck her head in to announce that Abel wanted him on the radio. He said into the mic, 'Go ahead, Abel.' 'Jim, you ain't gonna believe this. You better come on out as soon as you can. No, don't wait. Come now.' Even over the air, Abel's voice sounded urgent. Fowler could not account for it, but he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach.Three bodies are found in an abandoned culvert, one dead less than seventy-two hours and the others deteriorated into skeletons. Chief Fowler, a novice in the small southern town of Roackeville, realizes he doesn't have the experience to solve the case. Rather than risk turning it over to another agency and getting left out of the loop, Fowler turns to Richard Lett. Lett, a retired federal agent, is hesitant to help with the case. What if he has to face those dark places he's avoided for so long? Lett's sense of obligation to bring a murderer to justice wins over, and he signs on to solve the case. In a small town divided by economic status and race, tensions run high between law enforcement and potential suspects. The investigation takes more twists and turns than Fowler or Lett bargained for, and they can't help but wonder if the mysteries behind the murders will ever be revealed. Can Fowler and Lett break the social ties to solve the case? Will the intricate web of deeply buried secrets ever be untangled? Discover the mystery behind The Quarter Dollar.
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Clinician's Manual on Migraine
Clinician's Manual on Migraine
This handbook is a clinically-focused guide on the diagnosis and evidence-based treatment of migraine, the third most common medical condition on the planet. It is a concise yet thorough guide for management of migraine in clinical practice settings as informed by current scientific literature and clinical guidelines. This handbook incorporates diagnostic criteria from the most recent edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). The first half of the handbook provides information on assessment of migraine (including headache red flags and indications for neuroimaging), screening for common comorbid conditions, and essential lifestyle recommendations for all migraine patients. The second half covers both acute and preventive headache medications and relevant treatment algorithms and indications, as well as other medical therapies and behavioral interventions for migraine. This clinician’s manual is easy to read and includes numerous tables and other content valuable to all providers wanting a go-to resource on clinical management of migraine. It is an ideal companion for busy general practitioners and neurologists, nurses and mid-level providers, neurology trainees and residents, as well as patients wishing to gain a better understanding of their condition.
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