The Ecology of the Karamunting Plant
Karamunting plant (Melastoma malabathricum) grows wild and becomes a weed for smallholder plantations: coffee, cocoa, and oil palm. However, at one time it was used as a temporary painkiller on the limbs that were attacked by scorpions. Currently the Karamunting plant, known as the Kalimantan grape, has changed its function as a medicinal plant. The fruit plants that are stiff and have striking purple flowers contain flavonoid, steroid, interpenoid, galat tannins, katekat tannins, kunion, including mineral elements. No wonder if karamunting is able to control indigestion, diarrhea, hepatitis, vaginal discharge (leukorea), canker sores, menstruation, blood hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding, bloody poop, inflammation of blood vessels and diabetes. This book “Karamunting Ecology” specifically examines the Aspects of Karamunting Ecology, Protection and Conservation and Breeding of Karamunting. Population, Scarcity, Changes in Karamunting Status and Revegetation are also reviewed so that it is expected to provide a basic understanding for students or general readers.