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Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics in Sport
Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics in Sport
Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics in Sport, Second Edition, offers a variety of information for coaches and sport scientists that can be integrated and applied to the elements of body structure, body composition, assessment, physiology, and biomechanics.
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The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner
The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner
The revised edition of the clinicians’ time-saving Psychotherapy Treatment Planner Revised and updated, the sixth edition of The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner offers clinicians a timesaving, evidence-based guide that helps to clarify, simplify and accelerate the treatment planning process so they can spend less time on paperwork and more time with clients. The authors provide all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal, customizable treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed-care companies, third-party payers and state and federal agencies. This revised edition includes new client Short-Term Objectives and clinician Therapeutic Interventions that are grounded in evidence-based treatment wherever research data provides support to an intervention approach. If no research support is available a best practice standard is provided. This new edition also offers two new presenting problem chapters (Loneliness and Opioid Use Disorder) and the authors have updated the content throughout the book to improve clarity, conciseness and accuracy. This important book: Offers a completely updated resource that helps clinicians quickly develop effective, evidence-based treatment plans Includes an easy-to-use format locating treatment plan components by Presenting Problem or DSM-5 diagnosis Contains over 3,000 prewritten treatment Symptoms, Goals, Objectives and Interventions to select from Presents evidence-based treatment plan components for 45 behaviorally defined Presenting Problems Suggests homework exercises specifically created for each Presenting Problem Written for psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers, addiction counselors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Sixth Edition has been updated to contain the most recent interventions that are evidence-based.
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The Addiction Treatment Planner
The Addiction Treatment Planner
The bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals The Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 43 behaviorally based presenting problems, including substance use, eating disorders, schizoid traits, and others Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA
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PROMPT Course Manual: Australian-New Zealand Edition
PROMPT Course Manual: Australian-New Zealand Edition
Updated and adapted for Australia and New Zealand, offering course guidance for the multi-professional management of obstetric emergencies.
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Mechanisms of Atmospheric Oxidation of the Oxygenates
Mechanisms of Atmospheric Oxidation of the Oxygenates
Prepared by an international team of eminent atmospheric scientists, Mechanisms of Atmospheric Oxidation of the Oxygenates is an authoritative source of information on the role of oxygenates in the chemistry of the atmosphere. The oxygenates, including the many different alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, and nitrogen-atom containing oxygenates, are of special interest today due to their increased use as alternative fuels and fuel additives. This book describes the physical properties of oxygenates, as well as the chemical and photochemical parameters that determine their reaction pathways in the atmosphere. Quantitative descriptions of the pathways of the oxygenates from release or formation in the atmosphere to final products are provided, as is a comprehensive review and evaluation of the extensive kinetic literature on the atmospheric chemistry of the different oxygenates and their many halogen-atom substituted analogues. This book will be of interest to modelers of atmospheric chemistry, environmental scientists and engineers, and air quality planning agencies as a useful input for development of realistic modules designed to simulate the atmospheric chemistry of the oxygenates, their major oxidation products, and their influence on ozone and other trace gases within the troposhere.
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The Injustice of Place
The Injustice of Place
A sweeping and surprising new understanding of extreme poverty in America from the authors of the acclaimed $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. “This book forces you to see American poverty in a whole new light.” (Matthew Desmond, author of Poverty, by America and Evicted) Three of the nation’s top scholars – known for tackling key mysteries about poverty in America – turn their attention from the country’s poorest people to its poorest places. Based on a fresh, data-driven approach, they discover that America’s most disadvantaged communities are not the big cities that get the most notice. Instead, nearly all are rural. Little if any attention has been paid to these places or to the people who make their lives there. This revelation set in motion a five-year journey across Appalachia, the Cotton and Tobacco Belts of the Deep South, and South Texas. Immersing themselves in these communities, poring over centuries of local history, attending parades and festivals, the authors trace the legacies of the deepest poverty in America—including inequalities shaping people’s health, livelihoods, and upward social mobility for families. Wrung dry by powerful forces and corrupt government officials, the “internal colonies” in these regions were exploited for their resources and then left to collapse. The unfolding revelation in The Injustice of Place is not about what sets these places apart, but about what they have in common—a history of raw, intensive resource extraction and human exploitation. This history and its reverberations demand a reckoning and a commitment to wage a new War on Poverty, with the unrelenting focus on our nation’s places of deepest need.
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Fundamentals of Management with Online Study Tools 12 Months
Fundamentals of Management with Online Study Tools 12 Months
Samson/Daft/ Donnet's Fundamentals of Management is a robust foundation text providing a balance of broad, theoretical content with accessible language for students. This sixth edition features a new author on the team and contains updates to content based on recent research. Along with current management theory and practice, the text integrates coverage of innovation, entrepreneurship, agile workplaces, social media and new technology throughout. The book is rich with experiential exercises, self-assessment activities, challenges and cases for students to engage with, developing multiple skills. Examples within the text are both local and global, with a new focus on a 'skills approach', and each part of the text concludes with a contemporary continuing case study, focussing on car company, Toyota, as it faces managerial challenges and opportunities in the region The text covers the four key management functions: Planning, Organising, Leading, and Controlling, conveying to students the elements of a manager's working day.
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The Epilepsies 3 E-Book
The Epilepsies 3 E-Book
This title in the acclaimed Blue Books of Neurology series highlights advances in epileptology and new ways of managing seizure disorders. Contributors from around the world—most new to this volume—lend a global perspective and provide the latest thinking on the new and controversial issues surrounding epilepsy. You’ll find detailed discussions of difficulties in diagnosing and treating epilepsy, including the latest pharmacologic management strategies. This book covers the entire range of issues in epilepsy from basic science research to current clinical issues to medical and surgical therapeutics. Find all you need on critical issues in treating epilepsy and seizure disorders. Provides the expertise of new contributors and volume editors who are world-class authorities in the field for authoritative guidance. Features thoroughly updated content including new chapters—Seizure Prediction; Drug Resistance Genes; Cortical Myoclonus and Epilepsy; Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy; Seizures in the Elderly; Rasmussen’s Encephalitis; Epilepsies Due to Monogenic Disorders of Metabolism; Epilepsy and Sleep; Long-term Effects of Seizures on Brain Structure and Function; Brain Stimulation in Epilepsy—for the most current information for use in the decision-making process. Includes coverage of the surgical management of epilepsy to help you determine when it’s best to recommend surgery and for which patients. Emphasizes pharmacologic management of seizure patients that reflects advances in biotechnology and imaging.
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Normans and Early Plantagenets
Normans and Early Plantagenets
Continuing his exploration of the pathways of British history, Timothy Venning examines the turning points of the period from the death of William I to the reign of Edward III and a little beyond. As always, he discusses the crucial junctions at which History could easily have taken a different turn and analyses the possible and likely results. While necessarily speculative to a degree, the scenarios are all highly plausible and rooted in a firm understanding of actually events and their context. In so doing, Timothy Venning gives the reader a clearer understanding of the factors at play and why things happened the way they did, as well as a tantalizing view of what might so easily have been different. Key scenarios discussed in this volume include: The civil war of 1136-53, how either Stephen or Matilda might have won quick and decisive victory and the likely consequences. What if Richard the Lionheart had not gone on Crusade, leaving the inept John to rule in his place? Could the English (Angevin) Empire in France have been saved? What if that fatal crossbow bolt had missed Richard in 1199, sparing him an early death? What if Edward I's riding accident in 1294 had been fatal, leaving Edward II to succeed at 10 years of age? A whole chapter deals with scenarios surrounding the Scottish kings - What if Robert the Bruce had been killed in 1306?As featured in The Argus (Brighton), Sussex Express and New Milton Advertiser
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A Chronology of Medieval British History
A Chronology of Medieval British History
A Chronology of Medieval British History 1066–1307 covers events in British history, starting with the arrival of the new Norman ruling dynasty which ‘connected’ British politics, culture, religion and society more closely to mainland Europe, and ending with Edward I’s death and Robert Bruce’s revolt in 1307. The book is designed as a year-by-year guide to political, military, religious and cultural developments, centred on the states within the British Isles – England, Scotland, the Welsh states until annexation in 1282, and Ireland until conquest in the 1170s. Throughout the book, a detailed but succinct narrative of events is provided, clearly explaining what happened and when. The relevant sources and the latest academic studies for each period are listed, and any difficulties relating to the dating, accuracy and interpretation of records are identified. Comprehensive and accessible, A Chronology of Medieval British History 1066–1307 will be of great use to students of medieval British and European history.
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