This book, Luke-Acts: Developing Confidence for Reading Luke's Writings, is part of the Let's Know the Bible series intended to build confidence in reading the Bible one book at a time. The book was designed for a Let's Know the Bible Conference held in Northern Indiana for people who what to read the Bible with understanding. While the focus of this volume is building confidence in reading Luke's writings, the book opens with Bateman and Strauss examining the English Bible: its history, the reasons for the large assortment of English Bibles, and how to choose an English Bible. After the discussion about English Bibles, Strauss concentrates on Luke-Acts whereby he first introduces Luke-Acts as the good news for everyone. Strauss emphasizes the unity of Luke-Acts, reveals Luke's purpose for writing Luke-Acts, identifies key themes in and structure of Luke-Acts, as well as recognize the recipients. Strauss then moves to tips for reading Luke-Acts. Whereas Luke is a book that reveals the Gospel about the savior of the world, Acts is a book that gives attention to the spreading of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Bateman and Sprankle close Luke-Acts: Developing Confidence for Reading Luke's Writings with material that encourages the reader to delve into reading and studying Luke-Acts on their own.