A Public Service
“This timely book is a guide to any would-be whistleblower, any person considering the disclosure of information which exposes wrong doing or harmful behavior. In today’s highly surveilled digital world, knowing the safest and most secure way to reveal wrongdoing is critical. Thoroughly and in detail, Tim Schwartz outlines the pros and cons of different methods of exposure. It is the must-have handbook for concerned employees as well as journalists and lawyers working with whistleblowers.” — Katharine Gun, former British intelligence worker who revealed illegal U.S. wiretapping of the United Nations Security Council prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq “Before reaching out to the media, whistleblowers need to safely and anonymously gather documentation of wrongdoing, and then figure out how to securely discuss it with journalists. In the age of ubiquitous surveillance, where even doing a single Google search could out you as the source, this is no simple or easy feat. The techniques described in this book are vital for anyone who wishes to blow the whistle while reducing their risk of retaliation.” — Micah Lee, director of information security at The Intercept “Despite my 40 years of working with whistleblowers, Tim Schwartz taught me how much I still have to learn about protecting their identities. This easy-to-understand book, packed with practical nuts-and-bolts guidance, is a must-read for anyone who wants to blow the whistle anonymously.” —Tom Devine, legal director, Government Accountability Project "A simple guide to a daunting and vital subject. Schwartz has done outstanding work explaining the ethical, personal, technical and legal considerations in blowing the whistle."—Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing “In today’s digital age with the vast amount of information technology available to target disclosures that those in power would prefer remain hidden, this book provides a practical roadmap when making that often life-altering choice of standing up and exposing abuse and misuse of power across all sectors of society." —Thomas Drake, former National Security Agency senior executive and whistleblower Governments and corporations now have the tools to track and control us as never before. In this whistleblowing how-to, we are provided with tools and techniques to fight back and hold organizations, agencies, and corporations accountable for unethical behavior. Can one person successfully defy a globe-spanning corporation or superpower without being discovered? Can a regular citizen, without computer expertise, release information to the media and be sure her identity will be concealed? At a time we’re told we are powerless and without agency in the face of institutions such as Google, Facebook, the NSA, or the FBI, digital security educator Tim Schwartz steps forward with an emphatic “yes.” And in fewer than 250 pages of easy-to-understand, tautly written prose, he shows us how. A PUBLIC SERVICE can teach any one of us the tricks to securely and anonymously communicate and share information with the media, lawyers, or even the U.S. Congress. This book is an essential weapon in the pervasive battle to confront corruption, sexual harassment, and other ethical and legal violations.