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Tim Lee
Tim Lee
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Tim Lee
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Economics for Professional Investors
Economics for Professional Investors
Monetary policy, whether expressed in terms of interest rates or liquidity conditions, is a central aspect of all economic analysis of financial markets. Economics for Professional Investors provides an understanding as to how economic forces can impact upon the financial markets in today's global economy.
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Sharing Your Christianity
Sharing Your Christianity
Is Sharing Your Christianity Difficult for You? Have you ever had that unmistakable urge to share your Christianity with someone, but you didn’t know where to start so you let the opportunity pass – only to feel guilty about it later? If you’re like most Christians, your answer is “yes”! Sharing your faith is often one of the most difficult things Christians are expected to do. Yet we are called by Christ to the most serious work of all – to work with him in making sure all people have the opportunity to know him. So how do you get past the challenges that make sharing your Christianity so difficult? In this book, Tim Cooke gives you a simple, straight-forward, thought provoking framework you can draw from to help you share your Christianity – a way that can be the foundation for shaping your own personal faith-sharing style. Are you ready to find out how to share your Christianity with a level of confidence you’ve never had before?
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A photographic documentary of the wool industry across Australia and New Zealand, featuring the work of renowned photographer Andrew Chapman.
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Mountain Brew: A High-Spirited Guide to Country-Style Beer Making
Mountain Brew: A High-Spirited Guide to Country-Style Beer Making
The 1970s classic that sparked the homebrewing revolution in Vermont Long before Heady Topper or Hill Farmstead, Vermont was already at the forefront of the American beer revolution. In the 1970s, the big-name brews like Bud and Coors ruled the roost, and homebrewed beer was still as illegal as moonshine. But a small group of Vermonters—people like Tim Matson and Lee Anne Dorr—weren't the kind to let a little thing like the law stop them from enjoying their own brews. They shared their concoctions with friends and family and then went a step farther: publishing the first homebrewer's guide since Prohibition and selling it out of the back of their truck. Now, forty years later, that groundbreaking book is back. Featuring a brand-new introduction, Mountain Brew shows you how to produce homemade malt, grow your own hops, and keep away thirsty neighbors who want to steal your hooch. Through recipes and colorful stories from their day, let these Green Mountain boys (and girls) show you how to make better beer than you'd ever find at the local watering hole.
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