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The Mindfulness Edge
The Mindfulness Edge
The one habit that can improve almost every leadership skill There is a simple practice that can improve nearly every component of leadership excellence and it doesn't require adding anything to your busy schedule. In The Mindfulness Edge, you'll discover how a subtle inner shift, called mindfulness, can transform things that you already do every day into opportunities to become a better leader. Author Matt Tenney has trained leaders around the world in the practice of mindfulness. In this book, he partners with neuroscientist Tim Gard, PhD, to offer step-by-step, practical guidance for quickly and seamlessly integrating mindfulness training into your daily life—rewiring your brain in ways that improve both the ‘hard' and ‘soft' skills of leadership. In this book, you'll learn how mindfulness training helps you: Quickly improve business acumen and your impact on the bottom line Become more innovative and attract/retain innovative team members Develop the emotional intelligence essential for creating and sustaining a winning culture Realize the extraordinary leadership presence that inspires greatness in others The authors make a compelling case for why mindfulness training may be the 'ultimate success habit.' In addition to helping you improve the most essential elements of highly effective leadership, mindfulness training can help you discover unconditional happiness and realize incredible meaning—professionally and personally.
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Mindfulness și leadership
Mindfulness și leadership
Te-ai gândit vreodată că ţi-ai putea reprograma creierul astfel încât să devii un lider mai eficient? Şi aceasta, fără să-ţi încarci programul şi aşa aglomerat. Doar o mică schimbare în stilul tău de viaţă, în activităţile pe care le faci oricum zilnic, poate aduce o transformare de proporţii în viaţa ta profesională şi personală. Iar această schimbare se numeşte mindfulness, conştientizarea momentului prezent, atenţia concentrată clipă de clipă pe aici şi acum. Matt teney şi tim gard îţi vor arăta că poţi, practicând mindfulness, să devii mai inovativ, să atragi şi să menţii în echipa ta colegi dedicaţi, să-ţi dezvolţi inteligenţa emoţională necesară pentru a crea o cultură a învingătorului, să fii un lider care-i inspiră pe ceilalţi. Este o carte din care vei învăţa că te poţi schimba remodelându-ţi creierul, făcând aceleaşi lucruri ca şi până acum, însă într-un mod diferit, ce-ţi va deschide noi perspective asupra vieţii. Matt Tenney este antreprenor, autor, speaker şi consultant în mediul de afaceri. Tim Gard, doctor în neuroştiinţe, speaker şi instructor de mindfulness.
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Up the Trail
Up the Trail
How did cattle drives come about—and why did the cowboy become an iconic American hero? Cattle drives were the largest, longest, and ultimately the last of the great forced animal migrations in human history. Spilling out of Texas, they spread longhorns, cowboys, and the culture that roped the two together throughout the American West. In cities like Abilene, Dodge City, and Wichita, buyers paid off ranchers, ranchers paid off wranglers, and railroad lines took the cattle east to the packing plants of St. Louis and Chicago. The cattle drives of our imagination are filled with colorful cowboys prodding and coaxing a line of bellowing animals along a dusty path through the wilderness. These sturdy cowhands always triumph over stampedes, swollen rivers, and bloodthirsty Indians to deliver their mighty-horned companions to market—but Tim Lehman’s Up the Trail reveals that the gritty reality was vastly different. Far from being rugged individualists, the actual cow herders were itinerant laborers—a proletariat on horseback who connected cattle from the remote prairies of Texas with the nation’s industrial slaughterhouses. Lehman demystifies the cowboy life by describing the origins of the cattle drive and the extensive planning, complicated logistics, great skill, and good luck essential to getting the cows to market. He reveals how drives figured into the larger story of postwar economic development and traces the complex effects the cattle business had on the environment. He also explores how the premodern cowboy became a national hero who personified the manly virtues of rugged individualism and personal independence. Grounded in primary sources, this absorbing book takes advantage of recent scholarship on labor, race, gender, and the environment. The lively narrative will appeal to students of Texas and western history as well as anyone interested in cowboy culture.
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In this groundbreaking book, Tim Harford, the Undercover Economist, shows us a new and inspiring approach to solving the most pressing problems in our lives. When faced with complex situations, we have all become accustomed to looking to our leaders to set out a plan of action and blaze a path to success. Harford argues that today's challenges simply cannot be tackled with ready-made solutions and expert opinion; the world has become far too unpredictable and profoundly complex. Instead, we must adapt. Deftly weaving together psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, physics, and economics, along with the compelling story of hard-won lessons learned in the field, Harford makes a passionate case for the importance of adaptive trial and error in tackling issues such as climate change, poverty, and financial crises—as well as in fostering innovation and creativity in our business and personal lives. Taking us from corporate boardrooms to the deserts of Iraq, Adapt clearly explains the necessary ingredients for turning failure into success. It is a breakthrough handbook for surviving—and prospering— in our complex and ever-shifting world.
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The Serpent King
The Serpent King
PREORDER SWORD OF THE WAR GOD, THE EXCITING NEW HISTORICAL EPIC FROM TIM HODKINSON, NOW! The fight for vengeance has no victors... AD 936. Einar Unnsson wants revenge. His mother's assassin has stolen her severed head, and the great warrior Einar is hungry for his blood. Only one thing holds him back. He is a newly sworn in Wolf Coat, and must accompany them on their latest quest. The Wolf Coats are a band of fearsome bloodthirsty warriors, who roam the seas, killing any enemies who get in their way. Now they're determined to destroy their mortal enemy, King Eirik, who has captured the throne of Norway. Yet, for Einar, the urge to return to Iceland is growing every day. Only there, in his homeland, can he avenge his mother and salve his grief. But what Einar doesn't know is that this is where an old enemy lurks, and his thirst for vengeance equals Einar's... REVIEWERS ON TIM HODKINSON 'A brilliantly written historical adventure which will appeal to fans of Bernard Cornwell, George R.R. Martin, and especially Theodore Brun' Historical Novel Society 'A gripping action adventure like the sagas of old; and once finished, you just want to go back and read it all over again' Melisende's Library 'An excellently written page-turner, with a feel for the period which invites you into the era and keeps you there' Historical Writers Association
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The Raven Banner
The Raven Banner
PREORDER SWORD OF THE WAR GOD, THE EXCITING NEW HISTORICAL EPIC FROM TIM HODKINSON, NOW! Einar Unnsson will be a great warrior, whether he wants it or not. AD 935. Late Winter, City of Jorvik. Einar Unnsson is destined to be a great Icelandic warrior. He has already defeated the men sent to kill him by his notorious father, Jarl Thorfinn, the 'Skull Cleaver' of Orkney. He has a gift that makes him lethal in battle. Yet he has cast it all off to be a bard. When three men attack him, Einar's poetry provides little protection. Luckily, the skilled archer and Norse-Irish princess Affreca saves him. She'd assumed Einar had left to raise an army, challenge Thorfinn and seize the Jarldom of Orkney. Now she's determined to set him back onto his rightful path. Einar soon finds himself entangled on Affreca's own mission. She's seeking the Raven Banner for King Eirik. Legend has it that the banner is imbued with powerful magic. That it was a gift from the Norse God Odin and any army that marches behind it will be victorious. The quest sets events in motion that are beyond Einar's control. Einar has no choice but to face his fate and swing his sword once more... Reviews for Tim Hodkinson 'An excellently written page-turner, with a feel for the period which invites you into the era and keeps you there' Historical Writers Association 'A gripping action adventure like the sagas of old; and once finished, you just want to go back and read it all over again' Melisende's Library 'FAST-PACED, DETAILED AND BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN [FOR] FANS OF BERNARD CORNWELL, GEORGE R.R. MARTIN AND THEODORE BRUN' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY
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Work Backwards
Work Backwards
“This is a rare book: both profound and useful” —Seth Godin Life-changing guide to a more fulfilling work life, inspired by cultures and companies around the globe If you're feeling overworked, disengaged or apprehensive about the future of work or your career path, Work Backwards: The Revolutionary Method to Work Smarter and Live Better is the perfect guide to question the way you think about your workplace and put yourself on a track to a more fulfilling life. Written by Tim Duggan, media entrepreneur and author, who has helped thousands of individuals create their ideal lives through his renowned workshops, this book takes readers around the world to see how different cultures interact with work, revealing how we can implement new ideas to improve our own approach. In this book, readers will learn: Why reversing your thinking about work can have such an oversized impact using the three things you need to live a fulfilling life right now How to easily reset your life-work balance to use tools like remote, hybrid and flexible work properly What leading research says about work and happiness and how to put theory into action Entertaining, inspiring and highly practical, Work Backwards: The Revolutionary Method to Work Smarter and Live Better earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of all individuals who are seeking to not just tolerate work, but love what they do.
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The Bear's Blade
The Bear's Blade
PREORDER SWORD OF THE WAR GOD, THE EXCITING NEW HISTORICAL EPIC FROM TIM HODKINSON, NOW! Viking warrior Einar must take back control of his destiny in this thrilling historical adventure. How do you defeat the undefeatable? 935 AD, Norway. Recovering from horrendous injuries, Einar finds himself unable to fight. He is not strong enough to defeat his rival, Eirik, who has seized Orkney despite Einar being the rightful Jarl. Eirik's men soon raid the Norwegian coast, led by a warrior called the Bear. Cruel and ferocious, the Bear possesses a legendary blade – one that gives him a skill in battle that cannot be matched. Such an extraordinary sword could be key to Einar's plans – but first he and the Wolf Coats must contend with the Bear himself. Caught between old foes and new ones, Einar must use all his wits to survive. But is a man who cannot wield a sword capable of being a true Viking warrior? Reviews for Tim Hodkinson 'Will appeal to fans of Bernard Cornwell, George R.R. Martin, and especially Theodore Brun' Historical Novel Society 'A gripping action adventure like the sagas of old' Melisende's Library 'An excellently written page-turner' Historical Writers Association
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Tim Lee
Tim Lee
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