Verzeichnis der verkauften Gemälde im deutschsprachigen Raum vor 1800
For the first time, the Dictionary of sold paintings in the German-speaking area before 1800 is devoted to the mostly unexplored history of the German art market of the 18th century. Numerous auction catalogues from the period up to 1800, which had not been recorded before, were systematically evaluated for this work. Following a brief historical introduction, the authors -- Thomas Ketelsen and Tilman von Stockhausen -- present the body of 298 catalogues studied for this project. This 'catalogue of catalogues' alone provides a thorough survey of the art trade prior to 1800.The index of over 50,000 sold paintings, arranged alphabetically by artist, represents an invaluable tool for research into provenance. Entries contain the full text of individual lot numbers in the auction catalogue, listing the artist's name, date of auction, title, material and format of the painting, price fetched etc. Institution codes refer to the place of the auction and the auction house; information on both of them is provided by the index of catalogues. In addition, there are details on buyer and seller, provided their names have survived in handwritten annotations, as well as on the painting's contemporary whereabouts. Three indexes, arranged by artist, owner and previous owner, facilitate access to the information required.