Zoe Smith is flailing in her career as a professional surfer on the WSL (World Surf League) well as in her relationship with Derek. She doesn't like the person she's become and needs to make a change. But what? Stuck in a funk, she heads home to Australia at the end of the competitive season, uncertain of her future. Will the end of her relationship also signify the end of her career? Determined to get to the root cause of her drama she realizes it's time to face her 'self' and make some difficult decisions. With the help of a best friend, a boy crush, a strange encounter with an angel, and some much-needed soul-searching, she finds herself on a magical journey out of the darkness and into the light... in surfing and in life. If you liked Eat, Pray, Love, then you'll love Surfacing. REVIEWS "It's the Eat Pray Love for surfers!" - Liz Davison, Editor of "Surfer Girls Kick Ass is an inspiring book that will open your eyes, capture your heart and expand your mind to new colorful horizons. Whether you are an avid surfer or ready to pick up your first surfboard, this book will empower your inner surf goddess & guide you to ride the wild swells of life with complete grace and beauty. Only a surfer knows the feeling...and Manchester showcases every aspect of why females & the passion of surfing dance together so incredibly." - Mary Osborne, Professional Surfer and Owner of Surfer Girls Kick Ass is an amazing reminder of what can happen when we trust ourselves, dive into life head first and understand that life is about the journey, not the destination. A crazily relatable and inspiring story that caused me to reflect on the concept of courage and how I can relate it to my own life." - Ruby Meade, Owner of "Surfer Girls Kick Ass is a playful and compulsive read. As the main character, Zoe, explores her own self-discovery, the reader is motivated to do her own self-reflection. With surfing at the heart of the story, it captivates and inspires on many levels." - Alexa Hohenberg, Owner of "Finally a book that I don't want to close! Surfer Girls Kick Ass is one of those books you are afraid to finish reading because it's too good to be over." - Janine Reith, Owner of